
321 lines
11 KiB

SRC_ZONE 0x00-0xFF
# File name: SYMBOL.TXT
# Contents: Map (external version) from Mac OS Symbol
# character set to Unicode 4.0 and later.
# Copyright: (c) 1994-2002, 2005 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights
# reserved.
# Contact:
# Changes:
# c02 2005-Apr-05 Change mappings for 0xBD, 0xE0. Update
# header comments. Matches internal xml <c1.2>
# and Text Encoding Converter 2.0.
# b4,c1 2002-Dec-19 Update mappings for encoded glyph fragments
# 0xBE, 0xE6-EF, 0xF4, 0xF6-FE to use new
# Unicode 3.2 characters instead of sequences
# involving corporate-use characters. Update
# URLs, notes. Matches internal utom<b4>.
# b03 1999-Sep-22 Update contact e-mail address. Matches
# internal utom<b3>, ufrm<b3>, and Text
# Encoding Converter version 1.5.
# b02 1998-Aug-18 Encoding changed for Mac OS 8.5; add new
# mapping from 0xA0 to EURO SIGN. Matches
# internal utom<b3>, ufrm<b3>.
# n05 1998-Feb-05 Update to match internal utom<n5>, ufrm<n15>
# and Text Encoding Converter version 1.3:
# Use standard Unicodes plus transcoding hints
# instead of single corporate characters, also
# change mappings for 0xE1 & 0xF1 from U+2329
# & U+232A to their canonical decompositions;
# see details below. Also update header
# comments to new format.
# n03 1995-Apr-15 First version (after fixing some typos).
# Matches internal ufrm<n4>.
# Standard header:
# ----------------
# Apple, the Apple logo, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple
# Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.
# Unicode is a trademark of Unicode Inc. For the sake of brevity,
# throughout this document, "Macintosh" can be used to refer to
# Macintosh computers and "Unicode" can be used to refer to the
# Unicode standard.
# Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") makes no warranty or representation,
# either express or implied, with respect to this document and the
# included data, its quality, accuracy, or fitness for a particular
# purpose. In no event will Apple be liable for direct, indirect,
# special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any
# defect or inaccuracy in this document or the included data.
# These mapping tables and character lists are subject to change.
# The latest tables should be available from the following:
# <>
# For general information about Mac OS encodings and these mapping
# tables, see the file "README.TXT".
# Format:
# -------
# Three tab-separated columns;
# '#' begins a comment which continues to the end of the line.
# Column #1 is the Mac OS Symbol code (in hex as 0xNN)
# Column #2 is the corresponding Unicode or Unicode sequence
# (in hex as 0xNNNN or 0xNNNN+0xNNNN).
# Column #3 is a comment containing the Unicode name.
# In some cases an additional comment follows the Unicode name.
# The entries are in Mac OS Symbol code order.
# Some of these mappings require the use of corporate characters.
# See the file "CORPCHAR.TXT" and notes below.
# Control character mappings are not shown in this table, following
# the conventions of the standard UTC mapping tables. However, the
# Mac OS Symbol character set uses the standard control characters
# at 0x00-0x1F and 0x7F.
# Notes on Mac OS Symbol:
# -----------------------
# This is a legacy Mac OS encoding; in the Mac OS X Carbon and Cocoa
# environments, it is only supported directly in programming
# interfaces for QuickDraw Text, the Script Manager, and related
# Text Utilities. For other purposes it is supported via transcoding
# to and from Unicode.
# The Mac OS Symbol encoding shares the script code smRoman
# (0) with the Mac OS Roman encoding. To determine if the Symbol
# encoding is being used, you must check if the font name is
# "Symbol".
# Before Mac OS 8.5, code point 0xA0 was unused. In Mac OS 8.5
# and later versions, code point 0xA0 is EURO SIGN and maps to
# U+20AC (the Symbol font is updated for Mac OS 8.5 to reflect
# this).
# The layout of the Mac OS Symbol character set is identical to
# the layout of the Adobe Symbol encoding vector, with the
# addition of the Apple logo character at 0xF0.
# This character set encodes a number of glyph fragments. Some are
# used as extenders: 0x60 is used to extend radical signs, 0xBD and
# 0xBE are used to extend vertical and horizontal arrows, etc. In
# addition, there are top, bottom, and center sections for
# parentheses, brackets, integral signs, and other signs that may
# extend vertically for 2 or more lines of normal text. As of
# Unicode 3.2, most of these are now encoded in Unicode; a few are
# not, so these are mapped using corporate-zone Unicode characters
# (see below).
# In addition, Symbol separately encodes both serif and sans-serif
# forms for copyright, trademark, and registered signs. Unicode
# encodes only the abstract characters, so one set of these (the
# sans-serif forms) are also mapped using corporate-zone Unicode
# characters (see below).
# The following code points are unused, and are not shown here:
# 0x80-0x9F, 0xFF.
# Unicode mapping issues and notes:
# ---------------------------------
# The goals in the mappings provided here are:
# - Ensure roundtrip mapping from every character in the Mac OS
# Symbol character set to Unicode and back
# - Use standard Unicode characters as much as possible, to
# maximize interchangeability of the resulting Unicode text.
# Whenever possible, avoid having content carried by private-use
# characters.
# Some of the characters in the Mac OS Symbol character set do not
# correspond to distinct, single Unicode characters. To map these
# and satisfy both goals above, we employ various strategies.
# a) If possible, use private use characters in combination with
# standard Unicode characters to mark variants of the standard
# Unicode character.
# Apple has defined a block of 32 corporate characters as "transcoding
# hints." These are used in combination with standard Unicode
# characters to force them to be treated in a special way for mapping
# to other encodings; they have no other effect. Sixteen of these
# transcoding hints are "grouping hints" - they indicate that the next
# 2-4 Unicode characters should be treated as a single entity for
# transcoding. The other sixteen transcoding hints are "variant tags"
# - they are like combining characters, and can follow a standard
# Unicode (or a sequence consisting of a base character and other
# combining characters) to cause it to be treated in a special way for
# transcoding. These always terminate a combining-character sequence.
# The transcoding coding hint used in this mapping table is the
# variant tag 0xF87F. Since this is combined with standard Unicode
# characters, some characters in the Mac OS Symbol character set map
# to a sequence of two Unicodes instead of a single Unicode character.
# For example, the Mac OS Symbol character at 0xE2 is an alternate,
# sans-serif form of the REGISTERED SIGN (the standard mapping is for
# the abstract character at 0xD2, which here has a serif form). So 0xE2
# is mapped to 0x00AE (REGISTERED SIGN) + 0xF87F (a variant tag).
# b) Otherwise, use private use characters by themselves to map
# Mac OS Symbol characters which have no relationship to any standard
# Unicode character.
# The following additional corporate zone Unicode characters are
# used for this purpose here:
# 0xF8E5 radical extender
# 0xF8FF Apple logo
# NOTE: The graphic image associated with the Apple logo character
# is not authorized for use without permission of Apple, and
# unauthorized use might constitute trademark infringement.
# Details of mapping changes in each version:
# -------------------------------------------
# Changes from version c01 to version c02:
# - Update mappings for 0xBD from 0xF8E6 to 0x23D0 (use new Unicode
# 4.0 char)
# - Correct mapping for 0xE0 from 0x22C4 to 0x25CA
# Changes from version b02 to version b03/c01:
# - Update mappings for encoded glyph fragments 0xBE, 0xE6-EF, 0xF4,
# 0xF6-FE to use new Unicode 3.2 characters instead of using either
# single corporate-use characters (e.g. 0xBE was mapped to 0xF8E7) or
# sequences combining a standard Unicode character with a transcoding
# hint (e.g. 0xE6 was mapped to 0x0028+0xF870).
# Changes from version n05 to version b02:
# - Encoding changed for Mac OS 8.5; 0xA0 now maps to 0x20AC, EURO
# SIGN. 0xA0 was unmapped in earlier versions.
# Changes from version n03 to version n05:
# - Change strict mapping for 0xE1 & 0xF1 from U+2329 & U+232A
# to their canonical decompositions, U+3008 & U+3009.
# - Change mapping for the following to use standard Unicode +
# transcoding hint, instead of single corporate-zone
# character: 0xE2-0xE4, 0xE6-0xEE, 0xF4, 0xF6-0xFE.
0x00 - 0x7F = 0x0000 -
0xA0 = 0x20AC
0xA1 = 0x03D2
0xA2 = 0x2032
0xA3 = 0x2264
0xA4 = 0x2044
0xA5 = 0x221E
0xA6 = 0x0192
0xA7 = 0x2663
0xA8 = 0x2666
0xA9 = 0x2665
0xAA = 0x2660
0xAB = 0x2194
0xAC = 0x2190
0xAD = 0x2191
0xAE = 0x2192
0xAF = 0x2193
0xB0 = 0x00B0
0xB1 = 0x00B1
0xB2 = 0x2033
0xB3 = 0x2265
0xB4 = 0x00D7
0xB5 = 0x221D
0xB6 = 0x2202
0xB7 = 0x2022
0xB8 = 0x00F7
0xB9 = 0x2260
0xBA = 0x2261
0xBB = 0x2248
0xBC = 0x2026
0xBD = 0x23D0
0xBE = 0x23AF
0xBF = 0x21B5
0xC0 = 0x2135
0xC1 = 0x2111
0xC2 = 0x211C
0xC3 = 0x2118
0xC4 = 0x2297
0xC5 = 0x2295
0xC6 = 0x2205
0xC7 = 0x2229
0xC8 = 0x222A
0xC9 = 0x2283
0xCA = 0x2287
0xCB = 0x2284
0xCC = 0x2282
0xCD = 0x2286
0xCE = 0x2208
0xCF = 0x2209
0xD0 = 0x2220
0xD1 = 0x2207
0xD2 = 0x00AE
0xD3 = 0x00A9
0xD4 = 0x2122
0xD5 = 0x220F
0xD6 = 0x221A
0xD7 = 0x22C5
0xD8 = 0x00AC
0xD9 = 0x2227
0xDA = 0x2228
0xDB = 0x21D4
0xDC = 0x21D0
0xDD = 0x21D1
0xDE = 0x21D2
0xDF = 0x21D3
0xE0 = 0x25CA
0xE1 = 0x3008
#0xE2 = 0x00AE+0xF87F
#0xE3 = 0x00A9+0xF87F
#0xE4 = 0x2122+0xF87F
0xE5 = 0x2211
0xE6 = 0x239B
0xE7 = 0x239C
0xE8 = 0x239D
0xE9 = 0x23A1
0xEA = 0x23A2
0xEB = 0x23A3
0xEC = 0x23A7
0xED = 0x23A8
0xEE = 0x23A9
0xEF = 0x23AA
0xF0 = 0xF8FF
0xF1 = 0x3009
0xF2 = 0x222B
0xF3 = 0x2320
0xF4 = 0x23AE
0xF5 = 0x2321
0xF6 = 0x239E
0xF7 = 0x239F
0xF8 = 0x23A0
0xF9 = 0x23A4
0xFA = 0x23A5
0xFB = 0x23A6
0xFC = 0x23AB
0xFD = 0x23AC
0xFE = 0x23AD