{@gt key=array_lower value=array_lower}array_lower is greater than array_lower{:else}array_lower is less than or equal to array_lower{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=array_lower value=copy_array_lower}array_lower is greater than copy_array_lower{:else}array_lower is less than or equal to copy_array_lower{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=some_obj value=some_obj}some_obj is greater than some_obj{:else}some_obj is less than or equal to some_obj{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=some_obj value=copy_some_obj}some_obj is greater than copy_some_obj{:else}some_obj is less than or equal to copy_some_obj{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=some_obj value=other_obj}some_obj is greater than other_obj{:else}some_obj is less than or equal to other_obj{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=array_of_some_obj value=array_of_some_obj}array_of_some_obj is greater than array_of_some_obj{:else}array_of_some_obj is less than or equal to array_of_some_obj{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=array_of_some_obj value=copy_array_of_some_obj}array_of_some_obj is greater than copy_array_of_some_obj{:else}array_of_some_obj is less than or equal to copy_array_of_some_obj{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=array_of_some_obj value=array_of_other_obj}array_of_some_obj is greater than array_of_other_obj{:else}array_of_some_obj is less than or equal to array_of_other_obj{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=array_higher value=array_higher_longer}array_higher is greater than array_higher_longer{:else}array_higher is less than or equal to array_higher_longer{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=array_lower value=array_lower_with_array}array_lower is greater than array_lower_with_array{:else}array_lower is less than or equal to array_lower_with_array{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=array_lower_with_array value=array_lower}array_lower_with_array is greater than array_lower{:else}array_lower_with_array is less than or equal to array_lower{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=some_obj value=int}some_obj is greater than int{:else}some_obj is less than or equal to int{/gt}{~n}
{@gt key=some_obj value="[object Object]"}some_obj is greater than "[object Object]"{:else}some_obj is less than or equal to "[object Object]"{/gt}{~n}