I think in order to support type casting in a generic fashion so that custom non-json types can be used, I'll need to push the implementation of helpers off into the traits instead of handling it in the renderer. This is a larger undertaking than I was planning on starting at this very moment, so I'm going to leave this test disabled and move on to a couple smaller tasks I wanted to knock out before starting implementation on custom helpers.
Compliance Tests
These tests run my implementation of LinkedIn's Dust and the official implementation of LinkedIn's DustJS as compares the output to ensure they match.
Running in Docker
Go to the root directory of this repository where there is a Dockerfile
and run:
docker build -t duster . && docker run --rm -i -t duster
This command will run through the test cases in js/test_cases
, comparing the output of the official LinkedIn DustJS implementation against the output of the duster
implementation. If there are any differences, it will flag the test as a failure.
The tests have a structure of:
└── hello_world
├── input1.json
├── input2.json
├── main.dust
└── partial.dust
The folder name hello_world
is the name of the test group. For each test group there must be a file named main.dust
. This file will be the top-level template that gets rendered. All other *.dust
files will get registered into the dust rendering context as partials, with the same name as their file excluding the file extension. For example, main.dust
could invoke partial.dust
with {>partial/}
. Each *.json
file is a separate context that will be passed into the dust renderer, making each *.json
file form a test inside the test group.
Running Manually
If you want to invoke the LinkedIn DustJS manually, the dustjs_shim
expects the json context to be passed in over stdin, and a list of templates to be passed in as arguments, with the first argument serving as the main template. An example invocation from this folder would therefore be:
npm install dustjs-linkedin
cat test_cases/hello_world/input1.json | node dustjs_shim.js test_cases/hello_world/main.dust
Unlike the docker variant, there is no requirement for the template to be named main.dust
since it will render the first argument as the main template. Running the same test case through the duster
implementation would be:
npm install dustjs-linkedin
cat test_cases/hello_world/input1.json | ../target/debug/duster-cli test_cases/hello_world/main.dust
If you instead would like to run the entire compliance test suite manually outside of docker, you can run:
npm install dustjs-linkedin
(cd .. && cargo build)