Add several entries for ISA PnP cards (from Frank Durda IV), for using the NT

loader to boot, Jörg answer for slow printers and Dave Walton's answer to
hang during vty switches.
This commit is contained in:
Ollivier Robert 1996-04-07 17:23:34 +00:00
parent c1263076e3
commit 0d12126b3b
1 changed files with 166 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<title>Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X
<author>The FreeBSD FAQ Team, <tt/FAQ@FreeBSD.ORG/
<date> $Id: freebsd-faq.sgml,v 1.38 1996/03/05 23:48:02 joerg Exp $
<date> $Id: freebsd-faq.sgml,v 1.39 1996/03/24 22:24:10 joerg Exp $
This is the FAQ for FreeBSD systems version 2.X All entries are
assumed to be relevant to FreeBSD 2.0.5+, unless otherwise noted.
@ -1338,7 +1338,95 @@ pseudo-device vn #Vnode driver (turns a file into a device)
mount_cd9660 /dev/cd0c /mnt
<heading>How can I use the NT loader to boot Linux, FreeBSD, or whatever ?</heading>
The general idea is that one copies the first sector of your
native root Linux or FreeBSD partition into a file in the DOS/NT
partition. Assuming one names that file something like
<tt>c:&bsol;bootsect.lnx</tt> or <tt>c:&bsol;bootsect.bsd</tt>
(inspired by <tt>c:&bsol;bootsect.dos</tt>) one can then edit the
<tt>c:&bsol;boot.ini</tt> file to come up with something like
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows NT"
This procedure assumes that DOS, NT, Linux, FreeBSD, or whatever
have been installed into their respective fdisk partitions on the
<bf/same/ disk. In my case DOS &amp; NT are in the first fdisk
partition, Linux in the second, and FreeBSD in the third. I also
installed Linux and FreeBSD to boot from their native partitions,
not the disk MBR, and without delay.
Mount a DOS-formatted floppy (if you've converted to NTFS) or the
FAT partition, under, say, <tt>/mnt</tt>.
In Linux:
dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/mnt/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1
In FreeBSD:
dd if=/dev/rsd0a of=/mnt/bootsect.bsd bs=512 count=1
Reboot into DOS or NT. NTFS users copy the <tt/bootsect.lnx/
and/or the <tt/bootsect.bsd/ file from the floppy to
<tt/C:&bsol;/. Modify the attributes (permissions) on
<tt/boot.ini/ with:
attrib -s -r c:\boot.ini
Edit to add the appropriate entries from the example
<tt/boot.ini/ above, and restore the attributes:
attrib -r -s c:\boot.ini
If Linux or FreeBSD are booting from the MBR, restore it with the
DOS ``<tt>fdisk /mbr</tt>'' command after you reconfigure them to
boot from their native partitions.
<heading>Hey! My printer is slow as a dog. What can I do ?</heading>
If it's parallel, and all your problem is that it's terribly
slow, try setting your printer port into ``polled'' mode:
lptcontrol -p
Some newer HP printers are told to not work correctly in
interrupt mode, apparently due to some (not yet exactly
understood) timing problem. Slowaris is also affected by this
(and that's probably the reason why the HP support does rather
act like an ``unsupport'' here).
<heading>I Installed FreeBSD on my XYZ-brand PC, and my keyboard (and probably bus mouse, too) is locking up after switching between vtys (or even spontaneous). What's wrong?</heading>
Try adding the following option in your kernel configuration file
and recompile it.
options ASYNCH
See the section on <ref id="make-kernel" name="about building a
kernel"> if you've no experience with building kernels.
<heading>When I try to mount a CDROM, I get a ``Device not configured'' error. What's going on?</heading>
@ -1704,6 +1792,80 @@ pseudo-device vn #Vnode driver (turns a file into a device)
<heading>How does one detect and initialize a Plug N Play ISA card?</heading>
By: Frank Durda IV <tt>&lt;;</tt>
In a nutshell, there a few I/O ports that all of the PnP boards
respond to when the host asks if anyone is out there. So when
the PnP probe routine starts, he asks if there are any PnP boards
present, and all the PnP boards respond with their model &num; to
a I/O read of the same port, so the probe routine gets a wired-OR
``yes'' to that question. At least one bit will be on in that
reply. Then the probe code is able to cause boards with board
model IDs (assigned by Microsoft/Intel) lower than X to go
``off-line''. It then looks to see if any boards are still
responding to the query. If the answer was ``<tt/0/'', then
there are no boards with IDs above X. Now probe asks if there
are any boards below ``X''. If so, probe knows there are boards
with a model numbers below X. Probe then asks for boards greater
than X-(limit/4) to go off-line. If repeats the query. By
repeating this semi-binary search of IDs-in-range enough times,
the probing code will eventually identify all PnP boards present
in a given machine with a number of iterations that is much lower
than what 2^64 would take.
The IDs are two 32-bit fields (hence 2&circ;64) + 8 bit checksum.
The first 32 bits are a vendor identifier. They never come out
and say it, but it appears to be assumed that different types of
boards from the same vendor could have different 32-bit vendor
ids. The idea of needing 32 bits just for unique manufacturers
is a bit excessive.
The lower 32 bits are a serial &num;, ethernet address, something
that makes this one board unique. The vendor must never produce
a second board that has the same lower 32 bits unless the upper
32 bits are also different. So you can have multiple boards of
the same type in the machine and the full 64 bits will still be
The 32 bit groups can never be all zero. This allows the
wired-OR to show non-zero bits during the initial binary search.
Once the system has identified all the board IDs present, it will
reactivate each board, one at a time (via the same I/O ports),
and find out what resources the given board needs, what interrupt
choices are available, etc. A scan is made over all the boards
to collect this information.
This info is then combined with info from any ECU files on the
hard disk or wired into the MLB BIOS. The ECU and BIOS PnP
support for hardware on the MLB is usually synthetic, and the
peripherals don't really do geniune PnP. However by examining
the BIOS info plus the ECU info, the probe routines can cause the
devices that are PnP to avoid those devices the probe code cannot
Then the PnP devices are visited once more and given their I/O,
DMA, IRQ and Memory-map address assignments. The devices will
then appear at those locations and remain there until the next
reboot, although there is nothing that says you can't move them
around whenever you want.
There is a lot of oversimplification above, but you should get
the general idea.
Microsoft took over some of the primary printer status ports to
do PnP, on the logic that no boards decoded those addresses for
the opposing I/O cycles. I found a genuine IBM printer board
that did decode writes of the status port during the early PnP
proposal review period, but MS said ``tough''. So they do a
write to the printer status port for setting addresses, plus that
use that address + <tt/0x800/, and a third I/O port for reading
that can be located anywhere between <tt/0x200/ and <tt/0x3ff/.
<heading>Kernel Configuration</heading>
@ -2200,6 +2362,9 @@ disable pred1
Xylogic's Annex boxes are also broken in this regard and you must
use the above change to connect thru them.
<heading>I want to enable IP multicast support on my FreeBSD box, how do I do it? (Alternatively: What the heck IS multicasting and what applications make use of it?)</heading>