Add vnet jail configuration examples

This commit is contained in:
Devin Teske 2016-02-10 04:04:31 +00:00
parent d29df4d060
commit abd0b26213
4 changed files with 181 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,49 @@
# $FreeBSD$
See under share/examples/netgraph for some examples of
Sample 1: jail.conf(5)
$ cp jib jng /usr/sbin/
$ cat >> /etc/jail.conf
$ vi /etc/jail.conf
# NB: Customize root directory and bridge interface
$ sysrc jail_enable=YES
# NB: Assumes jail_list="" (meaning ``all jails in jail.conf'')
# NB: Assumes rc_conf_files="" (``below rc.conf(5) samples not used'')
$ service jail start
Sample 2: rc.conf(5)
$ cp jib jng /usr/sbin/
$ cp rc.conf.jails /etc/
$ vi /etc/rc.conf.jails
# NB: Customize root directory and bridge interface
$ sysrc rc_conf_files+=/etc/rc.conf.jails
# NB: Assumes /etc/jail.conf does not exist and jail_list=""
$ service jail start
Sample 3: Per-jail jail.conf(5)
$ cp jib jng /usr/sbin/
$ cp /etc/
$ vi /etc/
# NB: Customize root directory and bridge interface
$ sysrc jail_enable=YES
$ sysrc jail_list+=xxx
# NB: Assumes rc_conf_files=""
$ service jail start
Sample 4: Per-jail rc.conf(5)
$ cp jib jng /usr/sbin/
$ cp /etc/
$ vi /etc/
# NB: Customize root directory and bridge interface
$ sysrc jail_enable=YES
$ sysrc jail_list+=xxx
$ sysrc rc_conf_files+=/etc/
# NB: Assumes neither /etc/jail.conf nor /etc/ exist
$ service jail start
For additional recipes, see share/examples/netgraph for
making and hooking together jails using netgraph as the
virtual networking fabric.

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# $FreeBSD$
xxx {
host.hostname = "xxx.yyy"; # hostname
path = "/vm/xxx"; # root directory
exec.system_user = "root";
exec.jail_user = "root";
# NB: Below 4-lines required
# netgraph
vnet.interface = "ng0_xxx"; # vnet interface(s)
exec.prestart += "jng bridge xxx em0"; # bridge interface(s)
exec.poststop += "jng shutdown xxx"; # destroy interface(s)
# if_bridge
#vnet.interface = "e0b_xxx"; # vnet interface(s)
#exec.prestart += "jib addm xxx em0"; # bridge interface(s)
#exec.poststop += "jib destroy xxx"; # destroy interface(s)
# Standard recipe
exec.start += "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";
exec.consolelog = "/var/log/jail_xxx_console.log";
mount.devfs; # mount devfs
# Optional (default off)
#devfs_ruleset = "11"; # rule to unhide bpf for DHCP
#allow.mount; # mount /etc/
#allow.set_hostname = 1; # Allow hostname to change
#allow.sysvipc = 1; # Allow SysV Interprocess Comm.

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# $FreeBSD$
############################# JAIL CONFIGURATIONS #############################
# Global presets for all jails
jail_devfs_enable="YES" # mount devfs
# Optional (default off)
#jail_sysvipc_allow="YES" # Allow SysV Interprocess Comm.
#jail_set_hostname_allow="YES" # Allow hostname to change
# To allow dhclient(8) to work inside a jail, make sure the following appears
# in /etc/devfs.rules (which should be created if it doesn't exist):
# [devfsrules_jail=11]
# add include $devfsrules_hide_all
# add include $devfsrules_unhide_basic
# add include $devfsrules_unhide_login
# add path 'bpf*' unhide
############################################################ JAILS
# NETGRAPH TEMPLATE (copy/pate; then replace {name} with short name for jail)
# {name}
#jail_{name}_hostname="{name}" # hostname
#jail_{name}_rootdir="/vm/{name}" # root directory
#jail_{name}_vnet_interfaces="ng0_{name}" # vnet interface(s)
#jail_{name}_exec_prestart0="jng bridge {name} em0" # bridge interface(s)
#jail_{name}_exec_poststop0="jng shutdown {name}" # destroy interface(s)
# Optional (default off)
#jail_{name}_devfs_ruleset="11" # rule to unhide bpf for DHCP
#jail_{name}_mount_enable="YES" # mount /etc/fstab.{name}
# IF_BRIDGE TEMPLATE (copy/pate; then replace {name} with short name for jail)
# {name}
#jail_{name}_hostname="{name}" # hostname
#jail_{name}_rootdir="/vm/{name}" # root directory
#jail_{name}_vnet_interfaces="e0b_{name}" # vnet interface(s)
#jail_{name}_exec_prestart0="jib addm {name} em0" # bridge interface(s)
#jail_{name}_exec_poststop0="jib destroy {name}" # destroy interface(s)
# Optional (default off)
#jail_{name}_devfs_ruleset="11" # rule to unhide bpf for DHCP
#jail_{name}_mount_enable="YES" # mount /etc/fstab.{name}
jail_xxx_hostname="xxx.yyy" # hostname
jail_xxx_rootdir="/vm/xxx" # root directory
# netgraph
jail_xxx_vnet_interface="ng0_xxx" # vnet interface(s)
jail_xxx_exec_prestart0="jng bridge xxx em0" # bridge interface(s)
jail_xxx_exec_poststop0="jng shutdown xxx" # destroy interface(s)
# if_bridge
#jail_xxx_vnet_interface="e0b_xxx" # vnet interface(s)
#jail_xxx_exec_prestart0="jib addm xxx em0" # bridge interface(s)
#jail_xxx_exec_poststop0="jib destroy xxx" # destroy interface(s)
# Optional (default off)
#jail_xxx_devfs_ruleset="11" # rule to unhide bpf for DHCP
#jail_xxx_mount_enable="YES" # mount /etc/

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# $FreeBSD$
jail_xxx_hostname="xxx.yyy" # hostname
jail_xxx_rootdir="/vm/xxx" # root directory
# NB: Below 3 lines required
# netgraph
jail_xxx_vnet_interface="ng0_xxx" # vnet interface(s)
jail_xxx_exec_prestart0="jng bridge xxx em0" # bridge interface(s)
jail_xxx_exec_poststop0="jng shutdown xxx" # destroy interface(s)
# if_bridge
#jail_xxx_vnet_interface="e0b_xxx" # vnet interface(s)
#jail_xxx_exec_prestart0="jib addm xxx em0" # bridge interface(s)
#jail_xxx_exec_poststop0="jib destroy xxx" # destroy interface(s)
# Standard recipe
jail_xxx_devfs_enable="YES" # mount devfs
# Optional (default off)
#jail_xxx_devfs_ruleset="11" # rule to unhide bpf for DHCP
#jail_xxx_mount_enable="YES" # mount /etc/
#jail_xxx_set_hostname_allow="YES" # Allow hostname to change
#jail_xxx_sysvipc_allow="YES" # Allow SysV Interprocess Comm.