Bring security page uptodate, add more references, clarify some of

the comments, etc.
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Matthew Dillon 1999-09-18 18:21:38 +00:00
parent 08d266f93c
commit d93b26d657
1 changed files with 202 additions and 95 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
.\" $FreeBSD$
.Dd December 20, 1998
.Dd September 18, 1999
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
Security is a function that begins and ends with the system administrator.
While all
systems are inherently multi-user capable, the job of building and
maintaining security mechanisms to keep those users
multi-user systems have some inherent security, the job of building and
maintaining additional security mechanisms to keep those users
.Sq honest
is probably
one of the single largest undertakings of the sysadmin. Machines are
@ -30,7 +30,27 @@ can connect and talk to them. As yesterday's mini-computers and mainframes
become today's desktops, and as computers become networked and internetworked,
security becomes an ever bigger issue.
Security concerns can be split up into several categories:
Security is best implemented through a layered onion approach. In a nutshell,
what you want to do is to create as many layers of security as are convenient
and then carefully monitor the system for intrusions. You do not want to
overbuild your security or you will interefere with the detection side, and
detection is one of the single most important aspects of any security
mechanism. For example, it makes little sense to set the
.Pa schg
.Xr chflags 1
on every system binary because while this may temporarily protect the
binaries, it prevents a hacker who has broken in from making an
easily detectable change that may result in your security mechanisms not
detecting the hacker at all.
System security also pertains to dealing with various forms of attack,
including attacks that attempt to crash or otherwise make a system unusable
but do not attempt to break root. Security concerns can be split up into
several categories:
.Bl -enum -offset indent
Denial of service attacks
@ -40,6 +60,8 @@ User account compromises
Root compromise through accessible servers
Root compromise via user accounts
Backdoor creation
A denial of service attack is an action that deprives the machine of needed
@ -48,10 +70,12 @@ to crash or otherwise make a machine unusable by overwhelming its servers or
network stack. Some D.O.S. attacks try to take advantages of bugs in the
networking stack to crash a machine with a single packet. The latter can
only be fixed by applying a bug fix to the kernel. Attacks on servers can
often be fixed by properly specifying options to servers to limit the load
they incur on the system under adverse conditions. Brute-force network
often be fixed by properly specifying options to limit the load the servers
incur on the system under adverse conditions. Brute-force network
attacks are harder to deal with. A spoofed-packet attack, for example, is
nearly impossible to stop short of cutting your system off from the internet.
It may not be able to take your machine down, but it can fill up internet
A user account compromise is even more common then a D.O.S. attack. Many
sysadmins still run standard telnetd, rlogind, rshd, and ftpd servers on their
@ -63,7 +87,7 @@ which is the most common and convenient way to login to a system
have his or her password sniffed. The attentive system admin will analyze
his remote access logs occasionally looking for suspicious source addresses
his remote access logs looking for suspicious source addresses
even for successful logins.
One must always assume that once an attacker has access to a user account,
@ -71,17 +95,26 @@ the attacker can break root. However, the reality is that in a well secured
and maintained system, access to a user account does not necessarily give the
attacker access to root. The distinction is important because without access
to root the attacker cannot generally hide his tracks and may, at best, be
able to remove that user's files and crash the machine, but not touch anyone
else's files.
able to do nothing more then mess with the user's files or crash the machine.
User account compromises are very common because users tend not to take the
precautions that sysads take.
System administrators must keep in mind that there are several ways to break
root on a machine. The attacker may know the root password, the attacker
System administrators must keep in mind that there are potentially many ways
to break root on a machine. The attacker may know the root password,
the attacker
may find a bug in a root-run server and be able to break root over a network
connection to that server, or the attacker may know of a bug in an suid-root
program that allows the attacker to break root once he has broken into a
user's account.
user's account. If an attacker has found a way to break root on a machine,
.Pa the attacker may not have a need to install a backdoor.
Many of the root holes found and closed to date involve a considerable amount
of work by the hacker to cleanup after himself, so most hackers do install
backdoors. This gives you a convienient way to detect the hacker. Making
it impossible for a hacker to install a backdoor may actually be detrimental
to your security because it will not close off the hole the hacker found to
break in in the first place.
Security remedies are always implemented in a multi-layered
Security remedies should always be implemented with a multi-layered
.Sq onion peel
approach and can be categorized as follows:
.Bl -enum -offset indent
@ -96,7 +129,7 @@ Securing the password file
Securing the kernel core, raw devices, and filesystems
Checking file integrity: binaries, configuration files, and so forth
Quick detection of inappropriate changes made to the system
@ -106,17 +139,21 @@ Don't bother securing staff accounts if you haven't secured the root
account. Most systems have a password assigned to the root account. The
first thing you do is assume that the password is
.Sq always
To secure the root account you make sure that it is not possible to login
to the root account using the root password from a random user account or
over the network. If you haven't already, configure telnetd, rlogind, and
all other servers that handle login operations to refuse root logins, period,
whether the right password is given or not. Allow direct root logins only
via the system console. The
compromised. This does not mean that you should remove the password. The
password is almost always necessary for console access to the machine.
What it does mean is that you should not make it possible to use the password
outside of the console or possibly even with a
.Xr su 1
For example, make sure that your pty's are specified as being unsecure
in the
.Sq Pa /etc/ttys
file comes in handy here and is
secure by default on most systems, but a good sysadmin always checks to make
so that direct root logins via telnet or rlogin are disallowed. If using
other login services such as sshd, make sure that direct root logins are
disabled there as well. Consider every access method - services such as
ftp often fall through the cracks. Direct root logins should only be allowed
via the system console.
Of course, as a sysadmin you have to be able to get to root, so we open up
a few holes. But we make sure these holes require additional password
@ -127,15 +164,23 @@ The staff members placed
in the wheel group are allowed to
.Sq su
to root. You should never give staff
members native wheel access via their entry in the password file... put staff
in a
members native wheel access by putting the min the wheel group in their
password entry. Staff accounts should be placed in a
.Sq staff
group or something and only add those that really need root to
the wheel group. Unfortunately the wheel mechanism still allows an intruder to
break root if the intruder has gotten hold of your password file - he need only
break the root password and the password of one of the staff accounts that
happens to be in the wheel group. So while the wheel mechanism is usable,
it isn't much safer then not having a wheel group at all.
group, and then added to the wheel group via the
.Sq Pa /etc/group
file. Only those staff members who actually need to have root access
should be placed in the wheel group. It is also possible, when using an
authentication method such as kerberos, to use kerberos's
.Sq Pa .k5login
file in the root account to allow a
.Xr ksu 1
to root without having to place anyone at all in the wheel group. This
may be the better solution since the wheel mechanism still allows an
intruder to break root if the intruder has gotten hold of your password
file and can break into a staff account. While having the wheel mechanism
is better then having nothing at all, it isn't necessarily the safest
An indirect way to secure the root account is to secure your staff accounts
by using an alternative login access method and *'ing out the crypted password
@ -251,9 +296,13 @@ can be almost as dangerous. If an intruder can break an sgid-kmem binary the
intruder might be able to read
.Pa /dev/kmem
and thus read the crypted password
file, potentially compromising any passworded account. An intruder that breaks
the tty group can write to almost any user's tty. If a user is running a terminal
program or emulator with a talk-back feature, the intruder can potentially
file, potentially compromising any passworded account. Alternatively an
intruder who breaks group kmem can monitor keystrokes sent through pty's,
including pty's used by users who login through secure methods. An intruder
that breaks the tty group can write to almost any user's tty. If a user
is running a terminal
program or emulator with a keyboard-simulation feature, the intruder can
generate a data stream that causes the user's terminal to echo a command, which
is then run as that user.
@ -264,8 +313,9 @@ may not be able to do so with any general user accounts you might have. If
you do have sufficient control then you may win out and be able to secure the
user accounts properly. If not, you simply have to be more vigilant in your
monitoring of those accounts. Use of ssh and kerberos for user accounts is
more problematic, but still a very good solution compared to a crypted
more problematic due to the extra administration and technical support
required, but still a very good solution compared to a crypted password
The only sure fire way is to *-out as many passwords as you can and
@ -302,8 +352,8 @@ you still have
.Pa /dev/kmem
to worry about. For that matter,
the intruder can still write raw devices.
Also, there is another kernel feature called
the intruder can still write to raw disk devices.
Also, there is another kernel feature called the module loader,
.Xr kldload 8 .
An enterprising intruder can use a KLD module to install
his own bpf device or other sniffing device on a running kernel.
@ -321,73 +371,89 @@ script files - everything that gets run up to the point where the securelevel
is set. This might be overdoing it, and upgrading the system is much more
difficult when you operate at a higher secure level. You may compromise and
run the system at a higher secure level but not set the schg flag for every
system file and directory under the sun.
system file and directory under the sun. Another possibility is to simply
mount / and /usr read-only. It should be noted that being too draconian in
what you attempt to protect may prevent the all-important detection of an
When it comes right down to it, you can only protect your core system
configuration and control files so much before the convenience factor
rears its ugly head. The last layer of your security onion is perhaps
the most important - detection.
rears its ugly head. For example, using chflags to set the schg bit
on most of the files in / and /usr is probably counterproductive because
while it may protect the files, it also closes a detection window. The
last layer of your security onion is perhaps the most important - detection.
The rest of your security is pretty much useless (or, worse, presents you with
a false sense of safety) if you cannot detect potential incursions. Half
the job of the onion is to slow down the attacker rather then stop him
in order to give the detection side of the equation a chance to catch him in
the act.
The only correct way to check a system's file integrity is via another,
more secure system. It is fairly easy to setup a
.Sq secure
system: you
simply do not run any services on it. With a secure system in place you
can then give it access to other system's root spaces via ssh. This may
seem like a security breech, but you have to put your trust somewhere and
as long as you don't do something stupid like run random servers it really
is possible to build a secure machine. When I say
.Sq secure
here, I assuming
physical access security as well, of course. Given a secure machine with
root access on all your other machines, you can then write security scripts
ON the secure machine to check the other machines on the system. The most
common way of checking is to have the security script
.Xr scp 1
over a find
and md5 binary and then ssh a shell command to the remote machine to md5
all the files in the system
or, at least, the
.Pa / ,
.Pa /var ,
The best way to detect an incursion is to look for modified, missing, or
unexpected files. The best
way to look for modified files is from another (often centralized)
limited-access system.
Writing your security scripts on the extra-secure limited-access system
makes them mostly invisible to potential hackers, and this is important.
In order to take maximum advantage you generally have to give the
limited-access box significant access to the other machines in the business,
usually either by doing a read-only NFS export of the other machines to the
limited-access box, or by setting up ssh keypairs to allow the limit-access
box to ssh to the other machines. Except for its network traffic, NFS is
the least visible method - allowing you to monitor the filesystems on each
client box virtually undetected. If your
limited-access server is connected to the client boxes through a switch,
the NFS method is often the better choice. If your limited-access server
is connected to the client boxes through a hub or through several layers
of routing, the NFS method may be too insecure (network-wise) and using ssh
may be the better choice even with the audit-trail tracks that ssh lays.
Once you give a limit-access box at least read access to the client systems
it is supposed to monitor, you must write scripts to do the actual
monitoring. Given an NFS mount, you can write scripts out of simple system
utilities such as
.Xr find 1
.Xr md5 1
It is best to physically md5 the client-box files boxes at least once a
day, and to test control files such as those found in /etc and /usr/local/etc
even more often. When mismatches are found relative to the base md5
information the limited-access machine knows is valid, it should scream at
a sysadmin to go check it out. A good security script will also check for
inappropriate suid binaries and for new or deleted files on system partitions
such as
.Pa /
.Pa /usr
.Pc .
The security machine copies the results to a file and diff's them against
results from a previous run (or compares the results against its own
binaries), then emails each staff member a daily report of differences.
Another way to do this sort of check is to NFS export the major filesystems
from every other machine to the security machine. This is somewhat more
network intensive but also virtually impossible for an intruder to detect
or spoof.
When using ssh rather then NFS, writing the security script is much more
difficult. You essentially have to
.Pa scp
the scripts to the client box in order to run them, making them visible, and
for safety you also need to scp the binaries (such as find) that those scripts
use. The ssh daemon on the client box may already be compromised. All in all,
using ssh may be necessary when running over unsecure links, but it's also a
lot harder to deal with.
A good security script will also check for changes to user and staff members
access configuration files: .rhosts, .shosts, .ssh/authorized_keys, and
so forth... files that might fall outside the purview of the MD5 check.
A good security script will check for suid and sgid binaries on all
filesystems and report their absolute existence as well as a diff against
the previous report or some baseline
.Pq say, make a baseline once a week .
While you can turn off the ability to run suid and sgid binaries on certain
filesystems through the
.Sq nosuid
option in fstab/mount, you cannot turn this
off on root and anyone who breaks root can just install their binary there.
If you have a huge amount of user disk space, though, it may be useful to
disallow suid binaries and devices
If you have a huge amount of user disk space it may take too long to run
through every file on those partitions. In this case, setting mount
flags to disallow suid binaries and devices on those partitions is a good
idea. The
.Sq nodev
.Sq nosuid
.Xr mount 8
on the user partitions
so you do not have to scan them for such. I would scan them anyway, though,
at least once a week, since the object of this onion layer is detection of
a break-in.
are what you want to look into. I would scan them anyway at least once a
week, since the object of this layer is to detect a break-in whether or
not the breakin is effective.
Process accounting
@ -397,19 +463,25 @@ see
is a relatively low-overhead feature of
the operating system which I recommend using as a post-break-in evaluation
mechanism. It is especially useful in tracking down how an intruder has
actually broken root on a system, assuming the file is still intact after
actually broken into a system, assuming the file is still intact after
the break-in occurs.
Finally, security scripts should process the log files and the logs themselves
should be generated in as secured a manner as possible - remote syslog can be
should be generated in as secure a manner as possible - remote syslog can be
very useful. An intruder tries to cover his tracks, and log files are critical
to the sysadmin trying to track down the time and method of the initial break-in.
to the sysadmin trying to track down the time and method of the initial
break-in. One way to keep a permanent record of the log files is to run
the system console to a serial port and collect the information on a
continuing basis through a secure machine monitoring the consoles.
A little paranoia never hurts. As a rule, a sysadmin can add any number
of security features as long as they do not effect convenience, and
can add security features that do effect convenience with some added
thought. Even more importantly, a security administrator should mix it up
a bit - if you use recommendations such as those given by this manual
page verbatim, you give away your methodologies to the prospective
hacker who also has access to this manual page.
This section covers Denial of Service attacks. A DOS attack is typically
@ -566,6 +638,37 @@ Never set either parameter to zero
.Pq unless you want to crash the machine :-) .
Setting both parameters to 2 seconds should be sufficient to protect the route
table from attack.
There are a few issues with both kerberos and ssh that need to be addressed
if you intend to use them. Kerberos V is an excellent authentication
protocol but the kerberized telnet and rlogin suck rocks. There are bugs that
make them unsuitable for dealing with binary streams. Also, by default
kerberos does not encrypt a session unless you use the
.Fl x
option. Ssh encrypts everything by default.
Ssh works quite well in every respect except that it forwards encryption keys
by default. What this means is that if you have a secure workstation holding
keys that give you access to the rest of the system, and you ssh to an
unsecure machine, your keys becomes exposed. The actual keys themselves are
not exposed, but ssh installs a forwarding port for the duration of your
login and if a hacker has broken root on the unsecure machine he can utilize
that port to use your keys to gain access to any other machine that your
keys unlock.
We recommend that you use ssh in combination with kerberos whenever possible
for staff logins. Ssh can be compiled with kerberos support. This reduces
your reliance on potentially exposable ssh keys while at the same time
protecting passwords via kerberos. Ssh keys
should only be used for automated tasks from secure machines (something
that kerberos is unsuited to). We also recommend that you either turn off
key-forwarding in the ssh configuration, or that you make use of the
.Pa "from=IP/DOMAIN"
option that ssh allows in its
.Pa authorized_keys
file to make the key only useable to entities logging in from specific
@ -577,6 +680,10 @@ table from attack.
.Xr netstat 1 ,
.Xr syslogd 1 ,
.Xr xdm 1 ,
.Xr ttys 5 ,
.Xr group 5 ,
.Xr vipw 8 ,
.Xr init 8 ,
.Xr sysctl 8
The following are part of security ports collection: