
182 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# usage:
# cidrexpand < /etc/mail/access | makemap -r hash /etc/mail/access
# v 0.4
# 17 July 2000 Derek J. Balling (
# Acts as a preparser on /etc/mail/access_db to allow you to use address/bit
# notation.
# If you have two overlapping CIDR blocks with conflicting actions
# e.g. REJECT and ACCEPT
# make sure that the exceptions to the more general block are specified
# later in the access_db.
# the -r flag to makemap will make it "do the right thing"
# Modifications
# -------------
# 26 Jul 2001 Derek Balling (
# Now uses Net::CIDR because it makes life a lot easier.
# 5 Nov 2002 Richard Rognlie (
# Added code to deal with the prefix tags that may now be included in
# the access_db
# Added clarification in the notes for what to do if you have
# exceptions to a larger CIDR block.
# 26 Jul 2006 Richard Rognlie (
# Added code to strip "comments" (anything after a non-escaped #)
# # characters after a \ or within quotes (single and double) are
# left intact.
# e.g.
# From: 550 Die spammer # spammed us 2006.07.26
# becomes
# From: 550 Die spammer
# 3 August 2006
# Corrected a bug to have it handle the special case of ""
# since Net::CIDR doesn't handle it properly.
# 27 April 2016
# Corrected IPv6 handling. Note that UseCompressedIPv6Addresses must
# be turned off for this to work; there are three reasons for this:
# 1) if the MTA uses compressed IPv6 addresses then CIDR 'cuts'
# in the compressed range *cannot* be matched, as the MTA simply
# won't look for them. E.g., there's no way to accurately
# match "IPv6:fe80::/64" when for the address "IPv6:fe80::54ad"
# the MTA doesn't lookup up "IPv6:fe80:0:0:0"
# 2) cidrexpand only generates uncompressed addresses, so CIDR
# 'cuts' to the right of the compressed range won't be matched
# either. Why doesn't it generate compressed address output?
# Oh, because:
# 3) compressed addresses are ambiguous when colon-groups are
# chopped off! You want an access map entry for
# IPv6:fe80::0:5420
# but not for
# IPv6:fe80::5420:1234
# ? Sorry, the former is really
# IPv6:fe80::5420
# which will also match the latter!
# 25 July 2016
# Since cidrexpand already requires UseCompressedIPv6Addresses to be
# turned off, it can also canonicalize non-CIDR IPv6 addresses to the
# format that sendmail looks up, expanding compressed addresses and
# trimming superfluous leading zeros.
# Report bugs to: <>
use strict;
use Net::CIDR qw(cidr2octets cidrvalidate);
use Getopt::Std;
sub print_expanded_v4network;
sub print_expanded_v6network;
our %opts;
getopts('ct:', \%opts);
# Delimiter between the key and value
my $space_re = exists $opts{t} ? $opts{t} : '\s+';
# Regexp that matches IPv4 address literals
my $ipv4_re = qr"(?:\d+\.){3}\d+";
# Regexp that matches IPv6 address literals, plus a lot more.
# Further checks are required for verifying that it's really one
my $ipv6_re = qr"[0-9A-Fa-f:]{2,39}(?:\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?";
while (<>)
my ($prefix, $network, $len, $right);
if ( (/\#/) && $opts{c} )
# print "checking...\n";
my $i;
my $qtype='';
for ($i=0 ; $i<length($_) ; $i++)
my $ch = substr($_,$i,1);
if ($ch eq '\\')
elsif ($qtype eq '' && $ch eq '#')
substr($_,$i) = '';
elsif ($qtype ne '' && $ch eq $qtype)
$qtype = '';
elsif ($qtype eq '' && $ch =~ /[\'\"]/)
$qtype = $ch;
if (($prefix, $network, $len, $right) =
print_expanded_v4network($network, $len, $prefix, $right);
elsif ((($prefix, $network, $len, $right) =
m!^((?:\S+:)?[Ii][Pp][Vv]6:)(${ipv6_re})(?:/(\d+))?(${space_re}.*)$!) &&
(!defined($len) || $len <= 128) &&
print_expanded_v6network($network, $len // 128, $prefix, $right);
print "$_\n";
sub print_expanded_v4network
my ($network, $len, $prefix, $suffix) = @_;
# cidr2octets() doesn't handle a prefix-length of zero, so do
# that ourselves
foreach my $nl ($len == 0 ? (0..255) : cidr2octets("$network/$len"))
print "$prefix$nl$suffix\n";
sub print_expanded_v6network
my ($network, $len, $prefix, $suffix) = @_;
# cidr2octets() doesn't handle a prefix-length of zero, so do
# that ourselves. Easiest is to just recurse on bottom and top
# halves with a length of 1
if ($len == 0) {
print_expanded_v6network("::", 1, $prefix, $suffix);
print_expanded_v6network("8000::", 1, $prefix, $suffix);
foreach my $nl (cidr2octets("$network/$len"))
# trim leading zeros from each group
$nl =~ s/(^|:)0+(?=[^:])/$1/g;
print "$prefix$nl$suffix\n";