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//===--- ExternalASTSource.h - Abstract External AST Interface --*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the ExternalASTSource interface, which enables
// construction of AST nodes from some external source.x
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
template <class T> class SmallVectorImpl;
namespace clang {
class ASTConsumer;
class Decl;
class DeclContext;
class DeclContextLookupResult;
class DeclarationName;
class ExternalSemaSource; // layering violation required for downcasting
class NamedDecl;
class Selector;
class Stmt;
/// \brief Abstract interface for external sources of AST nodes.
/// External AST sources provide AST nodes constructed from some
/// external source, such as a precompiled header. External AST
/// sources can resolve types and declarations from abstract IDs into
/// actual type and declaration nodes, and read parts of declaration
/// contexts.
class ExternalASTSource {
/// \brief Whether this AST source also provides information for
/// semantic analysis.
bool SemaSource;
friend class ExternalSemaSource;
ExternalASTSource() : SemaSource(false) { }
virtual ~ExternalASTSource();
/// \brief RAII class for safely pairing a StartedDeserializing call
/// with FinishedDeserializing.
class Deserializing {
ExternalASTSource *Source;
explicit Deserializing(ExternalASTSource *source) : Source(source) {
~Deserializing() {
/// \brief Resolve a declaration ID into a declaration, potentially
/// building a new declaration.
/// This method only needs to be implemented if the AST source ever
/// passes back decl sets as VisibleDeclaration objects.
virtual Decl *GetExternalDecl(uint32_t ID) = 0;
/// \brief Resolve a selector ID into a selector.
/// This operation only needs to be implemented if the AST source
/// returns non-zero for GetNumKnownSelectors().
virtual Selector GetExternalSelector(uint32_t ID) = 0;
/// \brief Returns the number of selectors known to the external AST
/// source.
virtual uint32_t GetNumExternalSelectors() = 0;
/// \brief Resolve the offset of a statement in the decl stream into
/// a statement.
/// This operation is meant to be used via a LazyOffsetPtr. It only
/// needs to be implemented if the AST source uses methods like
/// FunctionDecl::setLazyBody when building decls.
virtual Stmt *GetExternalDeclStmt(uint64_t Offset) = 0;
/// \brief Finds all declarations with the given name in the
/// given context.
/// Generally the final step of this method is either to call
/// SetExternalVisibleDeclsForName or to recursively call lookup on
/// the DeclContext after calling SetExternalVisibleDecls.
virtual DeclContextLookupResult
FindExternalVisibleDeclsByName(const DeclContext *DC,
DeclarationName Name) = 0;
/// \brief Deserialize all the visible declarations from external storage.
/// Name lookup deserializes visible declarations lazily, thus a DeclContext
/// may not have a complete name lookup table. This function deserializes
/// the rest of visible declarations from the external storage and completes
/// the name lookup table of the DeclContext.
virtual void MaterializeVisibleDecls(const DeclContext *DC) = 0;
/// \brief Finds all declarations lexically contained within the given
/// DeclContext.
/// \return true if an error occurred
virtual bool FindExternalLexicalDecls(const DeclContext *DC,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Decl*> &Result) = 0;
/// \brief Notify ExternalASTSource that we started deserialization of
/// a decl or type so until FinishedDeserializing is called there may be
/// decls that are initializing. Must be paired with FinishedDeserializing.
/// The default implementation of this method is a no-op.
virtual void StartedDeserializing() { }
/// \brief Notify ExternalASTSource that we finished the deserialization of
/// a decl or type. Must be paired with StartedDeserializing.
/// The default implementation of this method is a no-op.
virtual void FinishedDeserializing() { }
/// \brief Function that will be invoked when we begin parsing a new
/// translation unit involving this external AST source.
/// The default implementation of this method is a no-op.
virtual void StartTranslationUnit(ASTConsumer *Consumer) { }
/// \brief Print any statistics that have been gathered regarding
/// the external AST source.
/// The default implementation of this method is a no-op.
virtual void PrintStats();
static DeclContextLookupResult
SetExternalVisibleDeclsForName(const DeclContext *DC,
DeclarationName Name,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<NamedDecl*> &Decls);
static DeclContextLookupResult
SetNoExternalVisibleDeclsForName(const DeclContext *DC,
DeclarationName Name);
void MaterializeVisibleDeclsForName(const DeclContext *DC,
DeclarationName Name,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<NamedDecl*> &Decls);
/// \brief A lazy pointer to an AST node (of base type T) that resides
/// within an external AST source.
/// The AST node is identified within the external AST source by a
/// 63-bit offset, and can be retrieved via an operation on the
/// external AST source itself.
template<typename T, typename OffsT, T* (ExternalASTSource::*Get)(OffsT Offset)>
struct LazyOffsetPtr {
/// \brief Either a pointer to an AST node or the offset within the
/// external AST source where the AST node can be found.
/// If the low bit is clear, a pointer to the AST node. If the low
/// bit is set, the upper 63 bits are the offset.
mutable uint64_t Ptr;
LazyOffsetPtr() : Ptr(0) { }
explicit LazyOffsetPtr(T *Ptr) : Ptr(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(Ptr)) { }
explicit LazyOffsetPtr(uint64_t Offset) : Ptr((Offset << 1) | 0x01) {
assert((Offset << 1 >> 1) == Offset && "Offsets must require < 63 bits");
if (Offset == 0)
Ptr = 0;
LazyOffsetPtr &operator=(T *Ptr) {
this->Ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(Ptr);
return *this;
LazyOffsetPtr &operator=(uint64_t Offset) {
assert((Offset << 1 >> 1) == Offset && "Offsets must require < 63 bits");
if (Offset == 0)
Ptr = 0;
Ptr = (Offset << 1) | 0x01;
return *this;
/// \brief Whether this pointer is non-NULL.
/// This operation does not require the AST node to be deserialized.
operator bool() const { return Ptr != 0; }
/// \brief Whether this pointer is currently stored as an offset.
bool isOffset() const { return Ptr & 0x01; }
/// \brief Retrieve the pointer to the AST node that this lazy pointer
/// \param Source the external AST source.
/// \returns a pointer to the AST node.
T* get(ExternalASTSource *Source) const {
if (isOffset()) {
assert(Source &&
"Cannot deserialize a lazy pointer without an AST source");
Ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>((Source->*Get)(Ptr >> 1));
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(Ptr);
/// \brief A lazy pointer to a statement.
typedef LazyOffsetPtr<Stmt, uint64_t, &ExternalASTSource::GetExternalDeclStmt>
/// \brief A lazy pointer to a declaration.
typedef LazyOffsetPtr<Decl, uint32_t, &ExternalASTSource::GetExternalDecl>
} // end namespace clang