
231 lines
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//===--- StmtIterator.h - Iterators for Statements --------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the StmtIterator and ConstStmtIterator classes.
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
namespace clang {
class Stmt;
class Decl;
class VariableArrayType;
class StmtIteratorBase {
enum { DeclMode = 0x1, SizeOfTypeVAMode = 0x2, DeclGroupMode = 0x3,
Flags = 0x3 };
Stmt **stmt;
union { Decl *decl; Decl **DGI; };
uintptr_t RawVAPtr;
Decl **DGE;
bool inDecl() const {
return (RawVAPtr & Flags) == DeclMode;
bool inDeclGroup() const {
return (RawVAPtr & Flags) == DeclGroupMode;
bool inSizeOfTypeVA() const {
return (RawVAPtr & Flags) == SizeOfTypeVAMode;
bool inStmt() const {
return (RawVAPtr & Flags) == 0;
const VariableArrayType *getVAPtr() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const VariableArrayType*>(RawVAPtr & ~Flags);
void setVAPtr(const VariableArrayType *P) {
assert (inDecl() || inDeclGroup() || inSizeOfTypeVA());
RawVAPtr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(P) | (RawVAPtr & Flags);
void NextDecl(bool ImmediateAdvance = true);
bool HandleDecl(Decl* D);
void NextVA();
Stmt*& GetDeclExpr() const;
StmtIteratorBase(Stmt **s) : stmt(s), decl(0), RawVAPtr(0) {}
StmtIteratorBase(Decl *d, Stmt **s);
StmtIteratorBase(const VariableArrayType *t);
StmtIteratorBase(Decl **dgi, Decl **dge);
StmtIteratorBase() : stmt(0), decl(0), RawVAPtr(0) {}
template <typename DERIVED, typename REFERENCE>
class StmtIteratorImpl : public StmtIteratorBase,
public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag,
REFERENCE, ptrdiff_t,
StmtIteratorImpl(const StmtIteratorBase& RHS) : StmtIteratorBase(RHS) {}
StmtIteratorImpl() {}
StmtIteratorImpl(Stmt **s) : StmtIteratorBase(s) {}
StmtIteratorImpl(Decl **dgi, Decl **dge) : StmtIteratorBase(dgi, dge) {}
StmtIteratorImpl(Decl *d, Stmt **s) : StmtIteratorBase(d, s) {}
StmtIteratorImpl(const VariableArrayType *t) : StmtIteratorBase(t) {}
DERIVED& operator++() {
if (inStmt())
else if (getVAPtr())
return static_cast<DERIVED&>(*this);
DERIVED operator++(int) {
DERIVED tmp = static_cast<DERIVED&>(*this);
return tmp;
bool operator==(const DERIVED& RHS) const {
return stmt == RHS.stmt && decl == RHS.decl && RawVAPtr == RHS.RawVAPtr;
bool operator!=(const DERIVED& RHS) const {
return stmt != RHS.stmt || decl != RHS.decl || RawVAPtr != RHS.RawVAPtr;
REFERENCE operator*() const {
return (REFERENCE) (inStmt() ? *stmt : GetDeclExpr());
REFERENCE operator->() const { return operator*(); }
struct StmtIterator : public StmtIteratorImpl<StmtIterator,Stmt*&> {
explicit StmtIterator() : StmtIteratorImpl<StmtIterator,Stmt*&>() {}
StmtIterator(Stmt** S) : StmtIteratorImpl<StmtIterator,Stmt*&>(S) {}
StmtIterator(Decl** dgi, Decl** dge)
: StmtIteratorImpl<StmtIterator,Stmt*&>(dgi, dge) {}
StmtIterator(const VariableArrayType *t)
: StmtIteratorImpl<StmtIterator,Stmt*&>(t) {}
StmtIterator(Decl* D, Stmt **s = 0)
: StmtIteratorImpl<StmtIterator,Stmt*&>(D, s) {}
struct ConstStmtIterator : public StmtIteratorImpl<ConstStmtIterator,
const Stmt*> {
explicit ConstStmtIterator() :
StmtIteratorImpl<ConstStmtIterator,const Stmt*>() {}
ConstStmtIterator(const StmtIterator& RHS) :
StmtIteratorImpl<ConstStmtIterator,const Stmt*>(RHS) {}
/// A range of statement iterators.
/// This class provides some extra functionality beyond std::pair
/// in order to allow the following idiom:
/// for (StmtRange range = stmt->children(); range; ++range)
struct StmtRange : std::pair<StmtIterator,StmtIterator> {
StmtRange() {}
StmtRange(const StmtIterator &begin, const StmtIterator &end)
: std::pair<StmtIterator,StmtIterator>(begin, end) {}
bool empty() const { return first == second; }
operator bool() const { return !empty(); }
Stmt *operator->() const { return first.operator->(); }
Stmt *&operator*() const { return first.operator*(); }
StmtRange &operator++() {
assert(!empty() && "incrementing on empty range");
return *this;
StmtRange operator++(int) {
assert(!empty() && "incrementing on empty range");
StmtRange copy = *this;
return copy;
friend const StmtIterator &begin(const StmtRange &range) {
return range.first;
friend const StmtIterator &end(const StmtRange &range) {
return range.second;
/// A range of const statement iterators.
/// This class provides some extra functionality beyond std::pair
/// in order to allow the following idiom:
/// for (ConstStmtRange range = stmt->children(); range; ++range)
struct ConstStmtRange : std::pair<ConstStmtIterator,ConstStmtIterator> {
ConstStmtRange() {}
ConstStmtRange(const ConstStmtIterator &begin,
const ConstStmtIterator &end)
: std::pair<ConstStmtIterator,ConstStmtIterator>(begin, end) {}
ConstStmtRange(const StmtRange &range)
: std::pair<ConstStmtIterator,ConstStmtIterator>(range.first, range.second)
ConstStmtRange(const StmtIterator &begin, const StmtIterator &end)
: std::pair<ConstStmtIterator,ConstStmtIterator>(begin, end) {}
bool empty() const { return first == second; }
operator bool() const { return !empty(); }
const Stmt *operator->() const { return first.operator->(); }
const Stmt *operator*() const { return first.operator*(); }
ConstStmtRange &operator++() {
assert(!empty() && "incrementing on empty range");
return *this;
ConstStmtRange operator++(int) {
assert(!empty() && "incrementing on empty range");
ConstStmtRange copy = *this;
return copy;
friend const ConstStmtIterator &begin(const ConstStmtRange &range) {
return range.first;
friend const ConstStmtIterator &end(const ConstStmtRange &range) {
return range.second;
} // end namespace clang