
232 lines
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# #
# Function key mapping for the "more VT220" - like layout #
# #
I. Special Keys Used To Change The General Runtime Functionality
CTRL-F9 Function key labels ON / OFF
this key is only operational, when in HP/VT mode, see CTRL-F11
CTRL-F9 toggles between function key labels displayed or not.
ON: screen has either 25-3 = 22, 28-3 = 25 or 50-3 = 47 lines
2 lines fkey labels displayed
row/col display enabled
1 line status/load avg line
OFF: screen has either 25-3 = 22, 28-3 = 25 or 50-3 = 47 lines
no function key labels displayed
no row/col display
no status/load avg line
applicable escape sequences:
switch OFF:
ESC & j @ remove labels from screen
switch ON:
ESC & j A display system fkey labels
ESC & j B display user fkey labels
ESC & j C display current fkey labels
CTRL-F10 User / System Function key labels
this key is only operational, when in HP/VT mode, see CTRL-F11
CTRL-F10 toggles between the display of user or system
function key labels
this key is only active if labels are toggled on via
the CTRL-F9 function key
screen has either 25-3 = 22, 28-3 = 25 or 50-3 = 47 lines
2 lines fkey labels displayed
row/col display enabled
1 line status/load avg line
applicable escape sequences: (see above)
ESC & j A display system fkey labels
ESC & j B display user fkey labels
ESC & j C display current fkey labels
CTRL-F11 Toggle between pure VT and HP-VT Emulation
This key switches between pure vt100/vt220 mode and
vt100/vt220 with hp-fkey-labels mode of operation.
this is not dependent of any screen resolution the
virtual consoles are in.
initially, after power on, all virtual screens are in
the pure vt-mode:
- the emulator does not execute any hp escape sequences
- the function key label lines are switched off
- no load average or status line is displayed
- no row / column counter is displayed
- the full screen 25x80, 28x80 or 50x80 is usable
- CTRL-F9 and CTRL-F10 have no function
when toggled to the vt/hp mix of operation, the following
changes take place:
- the emulator executes the supported hp-esc sequences
- the function key labels are displayable depending
on the state of CTRL-F9/CTRL-F10
- the load average is displayed
- the row / column counters are displayed
- in any screen resolution, the last 3 lines are lost,
so one has a 22x80, 25x80 and 47x80 resolution
- CTRL-F9 and CTRL-F10 are operational.
when switching modes by means of CTRL-F11, the following
changes to the current environment, the emulator may
be in, apply:
- the screen is cleared
- the cursor moves to the home position
- the scrolling region is reset to default
(this functionality is available via an ioctl)
F5 Cycle current page
This key cycles through the display of the video
pages. on startup, page 0 is displayed; with every
keypress of F5, the next page is displayed, wrapping
from the maximum page number back to page 0.
F1 switches to page 0
F2 switches to page 1
F3 switches to page 2
F4 switches to page 3
Shift-F1 -- select screen 4
Shift-F2 -- select screen 5
Shift-F3 -- select screen 6
Shift-F4 -- select screen 7
Shift-F5 -- select (current screen - 1)
(this functionality is available via an ioctl)
II. Special Keys used to change the Runtime Functionality of a Page
when in mixed HP/VT mode, one has two types of function key labels
on screen, user function keys and system function keys. they are
accessed by using the CTRL key while pressing a function key.
the function key labels are NOT available in pure VT220 mode--although
the function keys are still active
the user function keys and their labels can be reprogrammed by use of
escape sequences.
in system function key mode, several pre-programmed functions inside
the emulator can be toggled, currently implemented are:
- CTRL-F1, toggle 80/132 columns
- CTRL-F2, soft reset emulator
- CTRL-F3, toggle force 24 lines mode
- CTRL-F4, toggle keyboard debugging (if compiled in)
- CTRL-F5, toggle the audible beep generation
- CTRL-F6, toggle 7/8 bit char width
- CTRL-F7, toggle display functions. this means that control codes
in the range 0x00 to 0x1f are not EXECUTED by the emulator
any longer, but displayed on the screen
- CTRL-F8, toggle automatic cursor wraparound at end of line
these functions operate just for the selected page
III. Keyboard VT220 compatibility
The following keys behave different as probably expected.
They were mapped to provide more VT220 compatibility.
PC Keyboard VT220 Keyboard
------------- --------------------------------------------------
F6 - F12 emit the sequences for VT220 F6 - F12 keys
(ESC [ 17 ~ .... ESC [ 24 ~)
ALT F1 - F10 emit the sequences for VT220 F11 - F14, HELP, DO,
F17 - F20 keys
(ESC [ 23 ~ .... ESC [ 34 ~)
SHIFT F6 - F12 emit the User Definable Key sequences for VT220
F6 - F12 keys or
(ESC [ 17 ~ .... ESC [ 24 ~) for cleared sequences
ALTSHIFT F1-F10 emit the User Definable Key sequences for VT220
F11 - F14, HELP, DO, F17 - F20 keys or
(ESC [ 23 ~ .... ESC [ 34 ~) for cleared sequences
Insert Insert Here (ESC [ 2 ~)
Delete Remove (ESC [ 3 ~)
Home Find (ESC [ 1 ~)
End Select (ESC [ 4 ~)
PgUp Prev Screen (ESC [ 5 ~)
PgDn Next Screen (ESC [ 6 ~)
PrtSc (ignored)
Pause (ignored)
Break (ignored)
Cursor Keys dependent upon state of cursor key mode either
ESC [ A ... ESC [ D or ESC O A ... ESC O D
NumLock toggles Numeric Keypad for Keypad Numeric Mode
and Keypad Application Mode
ALT-Keypad-0 can be used to generate any keycode in the
ALT-Keypad-1 rage 0-255.
ALT-Keypad-2 this was modeled with the behaviour of a
ALT-Keypad-3 popular boot loader in mind
Numeric Keypad dependent upon state of keypad numeric/application
mode either 0 ... 9 or ESC O p ... ESC O y
ALT-NumLock emits PF1 sequence (ESC O P)
ALT-Keypad-/ emits PF2 sequence (ESC O Q)
ALT-Keypad-* emits PF3 sequence (ESC O R)
ALT-Keypad-- emits PF4 sequence (ESC O S)
ALT-F11 emits PF1 sequence (ESC O P)
ALT-F12 emits PF2 sequence (ESC O Q)
/* EOF */