
539 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use std::borrow::Cow;
use crate::iter::AstNode;
use crate::types::AngleLink;
use crate::types::BabelCall;
use crate::types::Bold;
use crate::types::Citation;
use crate::types::CitationReference;
use crate::types::Clock;
use crate::types::Code;
use crate::types::Comment;
use crate::types::CommentBlock;
use crate::types::DiarySexp;
use crate::types::Document;
use crate::types::Drawer;
use crate::types::DynamicBlock;
use crate::types::Element;
use crate::types::Entity;
use crate::types::ExampleBlock;
use crate::types::ExportBlock;
use crate::types::ExportSnippet;
use crate::types::FixedWidthArea;
use crate::types::FootnoteDefinition;
use crate::types::FootnoteReference;
use crate::types::GreaterBlock;
use crate::types::Heading;
use crate::types::HorizontalRule;
use crate::types::InlineBabelCall;
use crate::types::InlineSourceBlock;
use crate::types::Italic;
use crate::types::Keyword;
use crate::types::LatexEnvironment;
use crate::types::LatexFragment;
use crate::types::LineBreak;
use crate::types::NodeProperty;
use crate::types::Object;
use crate::types::OrgMacro;
use crate::types::Paragraph;
use crate::types::PlainLink;
use crate::types::PlainList;
use crate::types::PlainListItem;
use crate::types::PlainText;
use crate::types::Planning;
use crate::types::PropertyDrawer;
use crate::types::RadioLink;
use crate::types::RadioTarget;
use crate::types::RegularLink;
use crate::types::Section;
use crate::types::SrcBlock;
use crate::types::StatisticsCookie;
use crate::types::StrikeThrough;
use crate::types::Subscript;
use crate::types::Superscript;
use crate::types::Table;
use crate::types::TableCell;
use crate::types::TableRow;
use crate::types::Target;
use crate::types::Timestamp;
use crate::types::Underline;
use crate::types::Verbatim;
use crate::types::VerseBlock;
pub(crate) trait ElispFact<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str>;
pub(crate) trait GetElispFact<'s> {
fn get_elisp_fact<'b>(&'b self) -> &'b dyn ElispFact<'s>;
impl<'s, I: ElispFact<'s>> GetElispFact<'s> for I {
fn get_elisp_fact<'b>(&'b self) -> &'b dyn ElispFact<'s> {
impl<'r, 's> GetElispFact<'s> for AstNode<'r, 's> {
fn get_elisp_fact<'b>(&'b self) -> &'b dyn ElispFact<'s> {
match self {
AstNode::Document(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Heading(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Section(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Paragraph(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::PlainList(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::PlainListItem(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::GreaterBlock(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::DynamicBlock(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::FootnoteDefinition(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Comment(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Drawer(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::PropertyDrawer(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::NodeProperty(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Table(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::TableRow(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::VerseBlock(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::CommentBlock(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::ExampleBlock(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::ExportBlock(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::SrcBlock(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Clock(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::DiarySexp(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Planning(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::FixedWidthArea(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::HorizontalRule(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Keyword(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::BabelCall(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::LatexEnvironment(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Bold(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Italic(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Underline(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::StrikeThrough(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Code(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Verbatim(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::PlainText(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::RegularLink(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::RadioLink(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::RadioTarget(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::PlainLink(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::AngleLink(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::OrgMacro(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Entity(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::LatexFragment(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::ExportSnippet(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::FootnoteReference(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Citation(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::CitationReference(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::InlineBabelCall(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::InlineSourceBlock(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::LineBreak(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Target(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::StatisticsCookie(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Subscript(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Superscript(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::TableCell(_) => todo!(),
AstNode::Timestamp(inner) => *inner,
impl<'s> GetElispFact<'s> for Element<'s> {
fn get_elisp_fact<'b>(&'b self) -> &'b dyn ElispFact<'s> {
match self {
Element::Paragraph(inner) => inner,
Element::PlainList(inner) => inner,
Element::GreaterBlock(inner) => inner,
Element::DynamicBlock(inner) => inner,
Element::FootnoteDefinition(inner) => inner,
Element::Comment(inner) => inner,
Element::Drawer(inner) => inner,
Element::PropertyDrawer(inner) => inner,
Element::Table(inner) => inner,
Element::VerseBlock(inner) => inner,
Element::CommentBlock(inner) => inner,
Element::ExampleBlock(inner) => inner,
Element::ExportBlock(inner) => inner,
Element::SrcBlock(inner) => inner,
Element::Clock(inner) => inner,
Element::DiarySexp(inner) => inner,
Element::Planning(inner) => inner,
Element::FixedWidthArea(inner) => inner,
Element::HorizontalRule(inner) => inner,
Element::Keyword(inner) => inner,
Element::BabelCall(inner) => inner,
Element::LatexEnvironment(inner) => inner,
impl<'s> GetElispFact<'s> for Object<'s> {
fn get_elisp_fact<'b>(&'b self) -> &'b dyn ElispFact<'s> {
match self {
Object::Bold(inner) => inner,
Object::Italic(inner) => inner,
Object::Underline(inner) => inner,
Object::StrikeThrough(inner) => inner,
Object::Code(inner) => inner,
Object::Verbatim(inner) => inner,
Object::PlainText(inner) => inner,
Object::RegularLink(inner) => inner,
Object::RadioLink(inner) => inner,
Object::RadioTarget(inner) => inner,
Object::PlainLink(inner) => inner,
Object::AngleLink(inner) => inner,
Object::OrgMacro(inner) => inner,
Object::Entity(inner) => inner,
Object::LatexFragment(inner) => inner,
Object::ExportSnippet(inner) => inner,
Object::FootnoteReference(inner) => inner,
Object::Citation(inner) => inner,
Object::CitationReference(inner) => inner,
Object::InlineBabelCall(inner) => inner,
Object::InlineSourceBlock(inner) => inner,
Object::LineBreak(inner) => inner,
Object::Target(inner) => inner,
Object::StatisticsCookie(inner) => inner,
Object::Subscript(inner) => inner,
Object::Superscript(inner) => inner,
Object::Timestamp(inner) => inner,
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Document<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Section<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Heading<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for PlainList<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for PlainListItem<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for GreaterBlock<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
match {
"center" => "center-block".into(),
"quote" => "quote-block".into(),
_ => "special-block".into(),
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for DynamicBlock<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for FootnoteDefinition<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Drawer<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for PropertyDrawer<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for NodeProperty<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Table<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for TableRow<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Paragraph<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for TableCell<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Comment<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for VerseBlock<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for CommentBlock<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for ExampleBlock<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for ExportBlock<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for SrcBlock<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Clock<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for DiarySexp<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Planning<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for FixedWidthArea<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for HorizontalRule<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Keyword<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for BabelCall<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for LatexEnvironment<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Bold<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Italic<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Underline<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for StrikeThrough<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Code<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Verbatim<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for RegularLink<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for RadioLink<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for RadioTarget<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for PlainLink<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for AngleLink<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for OrgMacro<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Entity<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for LatexFragment<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for ExportSnippet<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for FootnoteReference<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Citation<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for CitationReference<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for InlineBabelCall<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for InlineSourceBlock<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for LineBreak<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Target<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for StatisticsCookie<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Subscript<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Superscript<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for Timestamp<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
impl<'s> ElispFact<'s> for PlainText<'s> {
fn get_elisp_name<'b>(&'b self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
// plain text from upstream emacs does not actually have a name but this is included here to make rendering the status diff easier.