Switch to RefContext.
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use crate::parser::AngleLink;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn angle_link<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, AngleLink<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("<")(input)?;
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pub fn angle_link<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn path_angle<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let parser_context =
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ fn path_angle<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn path_angle_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ use crate::parser::Object;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn citation<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Citation<'s>> {
// TODO: Despite being a standard object, citations cannot exist inside the global prefix/suffix for other citations because citations must contain something that matches @key which is forbidden inside the global prefix/suffix. This TODO is to evaluate if its worth putting in an explicit check for this (which can be easily accomplished by checking the output of `get_bracket_depth()`). I suspect its not worth it because I expect, outside of intentionally crafted inputs, this parser will exit immediately inside a citation since it is unlikely to find the "[cite" substring inside a citation global prefix/suffix.
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ fn variant<'r, 's>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn global_prefix<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<Object<'s>>> {
let exit_with_depth = global_prefix_end(input.get_bracket_depth());
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ fn global_prefix_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _global_prefix_end<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_bracket_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ fn _global_prefix_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn global_suffix<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<Object<'s>>> {
let exit_with_depth = global_suffix_end(input.get_bracket_depth());
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ fn global_suffix_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _global_suffix_end<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_bracket_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use crate::parser::Object;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn citation_reference<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, CitationReference<'s>> {
let (remaining, _prefix) =
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ pub fn citation_reference<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn citation_reference_key<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, source) = recognize(tuple((
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ pub fn citation_reference_key<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn key_prefix<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<Object<'s>>> {
let exit_with_depth = key_prefix_end(input.get_bracket_depth());
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ fn key_prefix<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn key_suffix<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<Object<'s>>> {
let exit_with_depth = key_suffix_end(input.get_bracket_depth());
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ fn key_prefix_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _key_prefix_end<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_bracket_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ fn key_suffix_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _key_suffix_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_bracket_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use crate::parser::Clock;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn clock<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Clock<'s>> {
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ pub fn clock<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn inactive_timestamp_range_duration<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ fn inactive_timestamp_range_duration<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn inactive_timestamp<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ use crate::parser::Comment;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn comment<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Comment<'s>> {
if immediate_in_section(context, "comment") {
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ pub fn comment<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn comment_line<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use crate::parser::DiarySexp;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn diary_sexp<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, DiarySexp<'s>> {
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ pub fn document(input: &str) -> Res<&str, Document> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _document<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Document<'s>> {
let zeroth_section_matcher = parser_with_context!(zeroth_section)(context);
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ fn _document<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn zeroth_section<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Section<'s>> {
// TODO: The zeroth section is specialized so it probably needs its own parser
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ fn zeroth_section<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn section<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
mut input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Section<'s>> {
// TODO: The zeroth section is specialized so it probably needs its own parser
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ fn section<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn section_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ const fn heading(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _heading<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
parent_stars: usize,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Heading<'s>> {
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ fn detect_headline<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn headline<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
parent_stars: usize,
) -> Res<
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ fn headline<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn headline_title_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ use crate::parser::Paragraph;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn drawer<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Drawer<'s>> {
if immediate_in_section(context, "drawer") {
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ fn name<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn drawer_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ use crate::parser::Element;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn dynamic_block<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, DynamicBlock<'s>> {
// TODO: Do I need to differentiate between different dynamic block types.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ fn parameters<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn dynamic_block_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ pub const fn element(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _element<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
can_be_paragraph: bool,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Element<'s>> {
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ pub const fn detect_element(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _detect_element<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
can_be_paragraph: bool,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ const ORG_ENTITIES: [&'static str; 413] = [
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn entity<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Entity<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("\\")(input)?;
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ pub fn entity<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn name<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
// TODO: This should be defined by org-entities and optionally org-entities-user
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use crate::parser::ExportSnippet;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn export_snippet<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ExportSnippet<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("@@")(input)?;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ pub fn export_snippet<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn backend<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, backend_name) =
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ fn backend<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn contents<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, source) = recognize(verify(
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ fn contents<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn export_snippet_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ use crate::parser::FixedWidthArea;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn fixed_width_area<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, FixedWidthArea<'s>> {
let fixed_width_area_line_matcher = parser_with_context!(fixed_width_area_line)(context);
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ pub fn fixed_width_area<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn fixed_width_area_line<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ use crate::parser::util::start_of_line;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn footnote_definition<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, FootnoteDefinition<'s>> {
if immediate_in_section(context, "footnote definition") {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ pub fn label<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn footnote_definition_end<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, source) = alt((
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use crate::parser::FootnoteReference;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn footnote_reference<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, FootnoteReference<'s>> {
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ pub fn footnote_reference<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn anonymous_footnote<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, FootnoteReference<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag_no_case("[fn::")(input)?;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ fn anonymous_footnote<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn inline_footnote<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, FootnoteReference<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag_no_case("[fn:")(input)?;
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ fn inline_footnote<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn footnote_reference_only<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, FootnoteReference<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag_no_case("[fn:")(input)?;
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ fn footnote_definition_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _footnote_definition_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_bracket_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ use crate::parser::Paragraph;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn greater_block<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, GreaterBlock<'s>> {
// TODO: Do I need to differentiate between different greater block types.
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ fn greater_block_end<'x>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _greater_block_end<'r, 's, 'x>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
name: &'x str,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use crate::parser::HorizontalRule;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn horizontal_rule<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, HorizontalRule<'s>> {
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ use crate::parser::InlineBabelCall;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn inline_babel_call<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, InlineBabelCall<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag_no_case("call_")(input)?;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ pub fn inline_babel_call<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn name<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let parser_context =
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ fn name<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn name_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ fn name_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn header<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("[")(input)?;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ fn header_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _header_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_bracket_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ fn _header_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn argument<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("(")(input)?;
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ fn argument_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _argument_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_parenthesis_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ use crate::parser::InlineSourceBlock;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn inline_source_block<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, InlineSourceBlock<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag_no_case("src_")(input)?;
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ pub fn inline_source_block<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn lang<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let parser_context =
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ fn lang<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn lang_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ fn lang_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn header<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("[")(input)?;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ fn header_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _header_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_bracket_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ fn _header_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn body<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("{")(input)?;
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ fn body_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _body_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_brace_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ const ORG_ELEMENT_DUAL_KEYWORDS: [&'static str; 2] = ["caption", "results"];
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn keyword<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Keyword<'s>> {
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ pub fn keyword<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn affiliated_keyword<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Keyword<'s>> {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ use crate::parser::LatexEnvironment;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn latex_environment<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, LatexEnvironment<'s>> {
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ pub fn contents<
F: Fn(Context<'r, 's>, OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>>,
end_matcher: F,
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, source) = recognize(many_till(
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ fn latex_environment_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _latex_environment_end<'r, 's, 'x>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
current_name_lower: &'x str,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ use crate::parser::LatexFragment;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn latex_fragment<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, LatexFragment<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = alt((
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ pub fn latex_fragment<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn raw_latex_fragment<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("\\")(input)?;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ fn raw_latex_fragment<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn name<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ fn name<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn brackets<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, body) = alt((
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ fn brackets<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn escaped_parenthesis_fragment<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("\\(")(input)?;
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ fn escaped_parenthesis_fragment<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn escaped_bracket_fragment<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("\\[")(input)?;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ fn escaped_bracket_fragment<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn double_dollar_fragment<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
// TODO: The documentation on the dollar sign versions is incomplete. Test to figure out what the real requirements are. For example, can this span more than 3 lines and can this contain a single $ since its terminated by $$?
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ fn double_dollar_fragment<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn dollar_char_fragment<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (_, _) = pre(context, input)?;
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ fn dollar_char_fragment<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
pub fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: RefContext<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
let preceding_character = input.get_preceding_character();
if let Some('$') = preceding_character {
return Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::MyError(MyError(
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ pub fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSo
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn post<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
pub fn post<'r, 's>(_context: RefContext<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
// TODO: What about eof? Test to find out.
// TODO: Figure out which punctuation characters should be included.
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ pub fn post<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgS
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn bordered_dollar_fragment<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (_, _) = pre(context, input)?;
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ fn bordered_dollar_fragment<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn open_border<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
recognize(verify(none_of(".,;$"), |c| !c.is_whitespace()))(input)
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ pub fn open_border<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn close_border<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
let preceding_character = input.get_preceding_character();
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ use crate::parser::util::text_until_exit;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn verse_block<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, VerseBlock<'s>> {
let (remaining, name) = lesser_block_begin("verse")(context, input)?;
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ pub fn verse_block<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn comment_block<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, CommentBlock<'s>> {
let (remaining, name) = lesser_block_begin("comment")(context, input)?;
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ pub fn comment_block<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn example_block<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ExampleBlock<'s>> {
let (remaining, _name) = lesser_block_begin("example")(context, input)?;
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ pub fn example_block<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn export_block<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ExportBlock<'s>> {
let (remaining, name) = lesser_block_begin("export")(context, input)?;
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ pub fn export_block<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn src_block<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, SrcBlock<'s>> {
let (remaining, name) = lesser_block_begin("src")(context, input)?;
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ fn lesser_block_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _lesser_block_end<'r, 's, 'x>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
current_name_lower: &'x str,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ const fn lesser_block_begin(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _lesser_block_begin<'r, 's, 'x>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
current_name_lower: &'x str,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use crate::parser::LineBreak;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn line_break<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, LineBreak<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = pre(context, input)?;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ pub fn line_break<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: RefContext<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
let preceding_character = input.get_preceding_character();
match preceding_character {
// If None, we are at the start of the file
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ use crate::parser::timestamp::timestamp;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn standard_set_object<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Object<'s>> {
let (remaining, object) = alt((
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ pub fn standard_set_object<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn minimal_set_object<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Object<'s>> {
let (remaining, object) = alt((
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ pub fn minimal_set_object<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn any_object_except_plain_text<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Object<'s>> {
let (remaining, object) = alt((
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ pub fn any_object_except_plain_text<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn regular_link_description_object_set<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Object<'s>> {
// TODO: It can also contain another link, but only when it is a plain or angle link. It can contain square brackets, but not ]]
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ pub fn regular_link_description_object_set<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn table_cell_set_object<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Object<'s>> {
let (remaining, object) = alt((
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use crate::parser::util::get_consumed;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn org_macro<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgMacro<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("{{{")(input)?;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ pub fn org_macro<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn org_macro_name<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = verify(anychar, |c| c.is_alphabetic())(input)?;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ fn org_macro_name<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn org_macro_args<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<OrgSource<'s>>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("(")(input)?;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ fn org_macro_args<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn org_macro_arg<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let mut remaining = input;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use crate::parser::util::start_of_line;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn paragraph<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Paragraph<'s>> {
let parser_context =
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ pub fn paragraph<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn paragraph_end<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let non_paragraph_element_matcher = parser_with_context!(detect_element(false))(context);
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ const ORG_LINK_PARAMETERS: [&'static str; 23] = [
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn plain_link<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, PlainLink<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = pre(context, input)?;
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ pub fn plain_link<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: RefContext<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
let preceding_character = input.get_preceding_character();
match preceding_character {
// If None, we are at the start of the file which is fine
@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn post<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
fn post<'r, 's>(_context: RefContext<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
let (remaining, _) = alt((eof, recognize(none_of(WORD_CONSTITUENT_CHARACTERS))))(input)?;
Ok((remaining, ()))
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn protocol<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
// TODO: This should be defined by org-link-parameters
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ pub fn protocol<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn path_plain<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
// TODO: "optionally containing parenthesis-wrapped non-whitespace non-bracket substrings up to a depth of two. The string must end with either a non-punctation non-whitespace character, a forwards slash, or a parenthesis-wrapped substring"
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ fn path_plain<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn path_plain_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ pub fn detect_plain_list<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn plain_list<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, PlainList<'s>> {
let parser_context = context
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ pub fn plain_list<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn plain_list_item<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, PlainListItem<'s>> {
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ fn counter<'s>(i: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn plain_list_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ const fn plain_list_item_end(
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(line_indented_lte_matcher))
fn _plain_list_item_end<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
line_indented_lte_matcher: impl for<'rr, 'ss> Fn(
Context<'rr, 'ss>,
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ const fn line_indented_lte(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _line_indented_lte<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
indent_level: usize,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ fn _line_indented_lte<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn item_tag<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<Object<'s>>> {
let parser_context =
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ fn item_tag<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn item_tag_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ fn item_tag_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn item_tag_post_gap<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use crate::error::Res;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn plain_text<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, PlainText<'s>> {
let (remaining, source) = recognize(verify(
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ pub fn plain_text<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn plain_text_end<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ impl<'x> RematchObject<'x> for PlainText<'x> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn rematch_object<'r, 's>(
&'x self,
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Object<'s>> {
map(tag(self.source), |s| {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use crate::parser::util::start_of_line;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn planning<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Planning<'s>> {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ use crate::parser::util::start_of_line;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn property_drawer<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, PropertyDrawer<'s>> {
if immediate_in_section(context, "property-drawer") {
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ pub fn property_drawer<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn property_drawer_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ fn property_drawer_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn node_property<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, NodeProperty<'s>> {
let (remaining, (_start_of_line, _leading_whitespace, _open_colon, _name, _close_colon)) =
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ fn node_property<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn node_property_name<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let parser_context =
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ fn node_property_name<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn node_property_name_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
alt((tag("+:"), tag(":")))(input)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use crate::parser::RadioTarget;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn radio_link<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, RadioLink<'s>> {
let radio_targets = context
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ pub fn radio_link<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn rematch_target<'x, 'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
target: &'x Vec<Object<'x>>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<Object<'s>>> {
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ pub fn rematch_target<'x, 'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn radio_target<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, RadioTarget<'s>> {
let (remaining, _opening) = tag("<<<")(input)?;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ pub fn radio_target<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn radio_target_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
alt((tag("<"), tag(">"), line_ending))(input)
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ fn radio_target_end<'r, 's>(
pub trait RematchObject<'x> {
fn rematch_object<'r, 's>(
&'x self,
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Object<'s>>;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use crate::error::Res;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn regular_link<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, RegularLink<'s>> {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pub fn regular_link<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn regular_link_without_description<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, RegularLink<'s>> {
let (remaining, _opening_bracket) = tag("[[")(input)?;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ pub fn regular_link_without_description<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn regular_link_with_description<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, RegularLink<'s>> {
let (remaining, _opening_bracket) = tag("[[")(input)?;
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ pub fn regular_link_with_description<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn pathreg<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, path) = escaped(
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ pub fn pathreg<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn description<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<Object<'s>>> {
let parser_context =
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ pub fn description<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn description_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use crate::parser::StatisticsCookie;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn statistics_cookie<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, StatisticsCookie<'s>> {
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ pub fn statistics_cookie<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn percent_statistics_cookie<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, StatisticsCookie<'s>> {
let (remaining, source) =
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ pub fn percent_statistics_cookie<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn fraction_statistics_cookie<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, StatisticsCookie<'s>> {
let (remaining, source) = recognize(tuple((
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use crate::parser::Superscript;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn subscript<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Subscript<'s>> {
// We check for the underscore first before checking the pre-character as a minor optimization to avoid walking up the context tree to find the document root unnecessarily.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ pub fn subscript<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn superscript<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Superscript<'s>> {
// We check for the circumflex first before checking the pre-character as a minor optimization to avoid walking up the context tree to find the document root unnecessarily.
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ pub fn superscript<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: RefContext<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
let preceding_character = input.get_preceding_character();
match preceding_character {
Some(c) if !c.is_whitespace() => {}
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ enum ScriptBody<'s> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn script_body<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ScriptBody<'s>> {
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ fn script_body<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn script_asterisk<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ fn script_asterisk<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn script_alphanum<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _sign) = opt(recognize(one_of("+-")))(input)?;
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ fn script_alphanum<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn script_alphanum_character<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
recognize(verify(anychar, |c| {
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ fn script_alphanum_character<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn end_script_alphanum_character<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, final_char) = recognize(verify(anychar, |c| c.is_alphanumeric()))(input)?;
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ fn end_script_alphanum_character<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn script_with_braces<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<Object<'s>>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("{")(input)?;
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ fn script_with_braces_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _script_with_braces_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_brace_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ use crate::parser::Table;
/// This is not the table.el style.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn org_mode_table<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Table<'s>> {
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ pub fn org_mode_table<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn table_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ fn table_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn org_mode_table_row<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, TableRow<'s>> {
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ pub fn org_mode_table_row<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn org_mode_table_row_rule<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, TableRow<'s>> {
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ pub fn org_mode_table_row_rule<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn org_mode_table_row_regular<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, TableRow<'s>> {
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ pub fn org_mode_table_row_regular<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn org_mode_table_cell<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, TableCell<'s>> {
let parser_context =
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ pub fn org_mode_table_cell<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn org_mode_table_cell_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
recognize(tuple((space0, alt((tag("|"), peek(line_ending))))))(input)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ use crate::parser::Target;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn target<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Target<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("<<")(input)?;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ pub fn target<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn target_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ use crate::parser::Verbatim;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn text_markup<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Object<'s>> {
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ pub fn text_markup<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn bold<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Bold<'s>> {
let text_markup_object_specialized = text_markup_object("*");
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ pub fn bold<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn italic<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Italic<'s>> {
let text_markup_object_specialized = text_markup_object("/");
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ pub fn italic<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn underline<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Underline<'s>> {
let text_markup_object_specialized = text_markup_object("_");
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ pub fn underline<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn strike_through<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, StrikeThrough<'s>> {
let text_markup_object_specialized = text_markup_object("+");
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ pub fn strike_through<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn verbatim<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Verbatim<'s>> {
let text_markup_string_specialized = text_markup_string("=");
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ pub fn verbatim<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn code<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Code<'s>> {
let text_markup_string_specialized = text_markup_string("~");
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ fn text_markup_object(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _text_markup_object<'r, 's, 'x>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
marker_symbol: &'x str,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<Object<'s>>> {
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ fn text_markup_string(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _text_markup_string<'r, 's, 'x>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
marker_symbol: &'x str,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ fn _text_markup_string<'r, 's, 'x>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
pub fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: RefContext<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
let preceding_character = input.get_preceding_character();
match preceding_character {
// If None, we are at the start of the file which is technically the beginning of a line.
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ pub fn pre<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSo
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn post<'r, 's>(_context: Context<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
pub fn post<'r, 's>(_context: RefContext<'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, ()> {
let (remaining, _) = alt((recognize(one_of(" \r\n\t-.,;:!?')}[\"")), line_ending))(input)?;
Ok((remaining, ()))
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ fn text_markup_end(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _text_markup_end<'r, 's, 'x>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
marker_symbol: &'x str,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ impl<'x> RematchObject<'x> for Bold<'x> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn rematch_object<'r, 's>(
&'x self,
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Object<'s>> {
let (remaining, children) =
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ impl<'x> RematchObject<'x> for Bold<'x> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn _rematch_text_markup_object<'r, 's, 'x>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
marker_symbol: &'static str,
original_match_children: &'x Vec<Object<'x>>,
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use crate::parser::Timestamp;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn timestamp<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Timestamp<'s>> {
// TODO: This would be more efficient if we didn't throw away the parse result of the first half of an active/inactive date range timestamp if the parse fails (as in, the first thing active_date_range_timestamp parses is a active_timestamp but then we throw that away if it doesn't turn out to be a full active_date_range_timestamp despite the active_timestamp parse being completely valid). I am going with the simplest/cleanest approach for the first implementation.
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pub fn timestamp<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn diary_timestamp<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Timestamp<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("<%%(")(input)?;
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ fn diary_timestamp<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn sexp<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let parser_context =
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ fn sexp<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn sexp_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
alt((tag(")>"), recognize(one_of(">\n"))))(input)
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ fn sexp_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn active_timestamp<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Timestamp<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("<")(input)?;
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ fn active_timestamp<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn inactive_timestamp<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Timestamp<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("[")(input)?;
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ fn inactive_timestamp<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn active_date_range_timestamp<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Timestamp<'s>> {
let (remaining, _first_timestamp) = active_timestamp(context, input)?;
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ fn active_date_range_timestamp<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn active_time_range_timestamp<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Timestamp<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("<")(input)?;
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ fn active_time_range_timestamp<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn inactive_date_range_timestamp<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Timestamp<'s>> {
let (remaining, _first_timestamp) = inactive_timestamp(context, input)?;
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ fn inactive_date_range_timestamp<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn inactive_time_range_timestamp<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Timestamp<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("[")(input)?;
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ fn inactive_time_range_timestamp<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn date<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _year) = verify(digit1, |year: &OrgSource<'_>| year.len() == 4)(input)?;
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ fn date<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn dayname<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let parser_context =
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ fn dayname<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn dayname_end<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
recognize(verify(anychar, |c| {
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ fn dayname_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn time<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _hour) = verify(digit1, |hour: &OrgSource<'_>| {
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ fn time<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn time_rest<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, body) = recognize(verify(
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ fn time_rest<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn active_time_rest_end<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ fn active_time_rest_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn inactive_time_rest_end<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ fn inactive_time_rest_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn time_range_rest_end<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
// We pop off the most recent context element to get a context tree with just the active/inactive_time_rest_end exit matcher (removing this function from the exit matcher chain) because the 2nd time in the range does not end when a "-TIME" pattern is found.
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ fn time_range_rest_end<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn repeater<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
// + for cumulative type
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ fn repeater<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn warning_delay<'r, 's>(
_context: Context<'r, 's>,
_context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
// - for all type
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ pub const WORD_CONSTITUENT_CHARACTERS: &str =
/// Check if we are below a section of the given section type regardless of depth
pub fn in_section<'r, 's, 'x>(context: Context<'r, 's>, section_name: &'x str) -> bool {
pub fn in_section<'r, 's, 'x>(context: RefContext<'r, 's>, section_name: &'x str) -> bool {
for thing in context.iter() {
match thing.get_data() {
ContextElement::Context(name) if *name == section_name => return true,
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ pub fn in_section<'r, 's, 'x>(context: Context<'r, 's>, section_name: &'x str) -
/// Checks if we are currently an immediate child of the given section type
pub fn immediate_in_section<'r, 's, 'x>(context: Context<'r, 's>, section_name: &'x str) -> bool {
pub fn immediate_in_section<'r, 's, 'x>(context: RefContext<'r, 's>, section_name: &'x str) -> bool {
for thing in context.iter() {
match thing.get_data() {
ContextElement::Context(name) if *name == section_name => return true,
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ pub fn element_trailing_whitespace<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn maybe_consume_object_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Option<OrgSource<'s>>> {
if exit_matcher_parser(context, input).is_err() {
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ pub fn maybe_consume_object_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn maybe_consume_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Option<OrgSource<'s>>> {
if context.should_consume_trailing_whitespace() && exit_matcher_parser(context, input).is_err()
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ pub fn maybe_consume_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn maybe_consume_trailing_whitespace<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Option<OrgSource<'s>>> {
if context.should_consume_trailing_whitespace() {
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ pub fn non_whitespace_character(input: OrgSource<'_>) -> Res<OrgSource<'_>, char
/// Check that we are at the start of a line
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn exit_matcher_parser<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
peek(|i| context.check_exit_matcher(i))(input)
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ pub fn exit_matcher_parser<'r, 's>(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn text_until_exit<'r, 's>(
context: Context<'r, 's>,
context: RefContext<'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
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