2023-10-09 19:31:57 -04:00

200 lines
6.6 KiB

use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
use nom::bytes::complete::tag_no_case;
use nom::character::complete::anychar;
use nom::character::complete::line_ending;
use nom::character::complete::one_of;
use nom::combinator::opt;
use nom::combinator::recognize;
use nom::combinator::verify;
use nom::multi::many_till;
#[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
use tracing::span;
use super::org_source::BracketDepth;
use super::org_source::OrgSource;
use super::util::maybe_consume_object_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting;
use crate::context::parser_with_context;
use crate::context::ContextElement;
use crate::context::ContextMatcher;
use crate::context::ExitClass;
use crate::context::ExitMatcherNode;
use crate::context::RefContext;
use crate::error::CustomError;
use crate::error::MyError;
use crate::error::Res;
use crate::parser::util::exit_matcher_parser;
use crate::parser::util::get_consumed;
use crate::types::InlineSourceBlock;
feature = "tracing",
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context))
pub(crate) fn inline_source_block<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, InlineSourceBlock<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag_no_case("src_")(input)?;
let (remaining, language) = lang(context, remaining)?;
let (remaining, parameters) = opt(parser_with_context!(header)(context))(remaining)?;
let (remaining, value) = body(context, remaining)?;
let (remaining, _trailing_whitespace) =
maybe_consume_object_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting(context, remaining)?;
let source = get_consumed(input, remaining);
InlineSourceBlock {
source: source.into(),
language: language.into(),
value: value.into(),
feature = "tracing",
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context))
fn lang<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let parser_context = ContextElement::ExitMatcherNode(ExitMatcherNode {
class: ExitClass::Beta,
exit_matcher: &lang_end,
let parser_context = context.with_additional_node(&parser_context);
let (remaining, lang) = recognize(many_till(
verify(anychar, |c| !(c.is_whitespace() || "[{".contains(*c))),
Ok((remaining, lang))
feature = "tracing",
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(_context))
fn lang_end<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
_context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
feature = "tracing",
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context))
fn header<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("[")(input)?;
let exit_with_depth = header_end(remaining.get_bracket_depth());
let parser_context = ContextElement::ExitMatcherNode(ExitMatcherNode {
class: ExitClass::Beta,
exit_matcher: &exit_with_depth,
let parser_context = context.with_additional_node(&parser_context);
let (remaining, header_contents) = recognize(many_till(
let (remaining, _) = tag("]")(remaining)?;
Ok((remaining, header_contents))
fn header_end(starting_bracket_depth: BracketDepth) -> impl ContextMatcher {
move |context, input: OrgSource<'_>| _header_end(context, input, starting_bracket_depth)
feature = "tracing",
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(_context))
fn _header_end<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
_context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_bracket_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let current_depth = input.get_bracket_depth() - starting_bracket_depth;
if current_depth > 0 {
// Its impossible for the next character to end the header if we're any amount of bracket deep
return Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::MyError(MyError(
if current_depth < 0 {
// This shouldn't be possible because if depth is 0 then a closing bracket should end the header.
unreachable!("Exceeded header bracket depth.")
alt((tag("]"), line_ending))(input)
feature = "tracing",
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context))
fn body<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let (remaining, _) = tag("{")(input)?;
let exit_with_depth = body_end(remaining.get_brace_depth());
let parser_context = ContextElement::ExitMatcherNode(ExitMatcherNode {
class: ExitClass::Beta,
exit_matcher: &exit_with_depth,
let parser_context = context.with_additional_node(&parser_context);
let (remaining, body_contents) = recognize(many_till(
let (remaining, _) = {
#[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
let span = span!(
"outside end body",
remaining = Into::<&str>::into(remaining)
#[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
let _enter = span.enter();
Ok((remaining, body_contents))
fn body_end(starting_brace_depth: BracketDepth) -> impl ContextMatcher {
move |context, input: OrgSource<'_>| _body_end(context, input, starting_brace_depth)
feature = "tracing",
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(_context))
fn _body_end<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
_context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
starting_brace_depth: BracketDepth,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
let current_depth = input.get_brace_depth() - starting_brace_depth;
if current_depth > 0 {
// Its impossible for the next character to end the body if we're any amount of brace deep
return Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::MyError(MyError(
if current_depth < 0 {
// This shouldn't be possible because if depth is 0 then a closing brace should end the body.
unreachable!("Exceeded body brace depth.")
alt((tag("}"), line_ending))(input)