You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

275 lines
9.8 KiB

use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
use nom::character::complete::line_ending;
use nom::character::complete::space0;
use nom::combinator::all_consuming;
use nom::combinator::consumed;
use nom::combinator::map_parser;
use nom::combinator::verify;
use nom::multi::many1;
use super::object_parser::minimal_set_object;
use super::org_source::OrgSource;
use super::util::confine_context;
use super::util::maybe_consume_object_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting;
use super::util::text_until_exit;
use crate::context::parser_with_context;
use crate::context::Context;
use crate::context::ContextElement;
use crate::context::ExitClass;
use crate::context::ExitMatcherNode;
use crate::context::List;
use crate::context::RefContext;
use crate::error::CustomError;
use crate::error::Res;
use crate::parser::util::get_consumed;
use crate::types::Object;
use crate::types::RadioLink;
use crate::types::RadioTarget;
feature = "tracing",
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context))
pub(crate) fn radio_link<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, RadioLink<'s>> {
for radio_target in &context.get_global_settings().radio_targets {
let rematched_target = rematch_target(context, radio_target, input);
if let Ok((remaining, rematched_target)) = rematched_target {
let path = get_consumed(input, remaining);
let (remaining, post_blank) = space0(remaining)?;
let source = get_consumed(input, remaining);
return Ok((
RadioLink {
source: source.into(),
children: rematched_target,
path: path.into(),
post_blank: if post_blank.len() > 0 {
} else {
feature = "tracing",
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context))
pub(crate) fn rematch_target<'x, 'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
target: &'x Vec<Object<'x>>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<Object<'s>>> {
let mut remaining = input;
let mut new_matches = Vec::with_capacity(target.len());
for original_object in target {
match original_object {
// TODO: The rest of the minimal set of objects.
Object::Bold(bold) => {
let (new_remaining, new_match) = bold.rematch_object(context, remaining)?;
remaining = new_remaining;
Object::Italic(italic) => {
let (new_remaining, new_match) = italic.rematch_object(context, remaining)?;
remaining = new_remaining;
Object::Underline(underline) => {
let (new_remaining, new_match) = underline.rematch_object(context, remaining)?;
remaining = new_remaining;
Object::StrikeThrough(strikethrough) => {
let (new_remaining, new_match) =
strikethrough.rematch_object(context, remaining)?;
remaining = new_remaining;
Object::PlainText(plaintext) => {
let (new_remaining, new_match) = plaintext.rematch_object(context, remaining)?;
remaining = new_remaining;
_ => {
return Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::Static(
Ok((remaining, new_matches))
feature = "tracing",
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context))
pub(crate) fn radio_target<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, RadioTarget<'s>> {
let (remaining, _opening) = tag("<<<")(input)?;
let parser_context = ContextElement::ExitMatcherNode(ExitMatcherNode {
class: ExitClass::Gamma,
exit_matcher: &radio_target_end,
let parser_context = context.with_additional_node(&parser_context);
let initial_context = ContextElement::document_context();
let initial_context = Context::new(context.get_global_settings(), List::new(&initial_context));
let (remaining, (raw_value, children)) = consumed(map_parser(
|text| text.len() > 0,
confine_context(|i| {
let (remaining, _closing) = tag(">>>")(remaining)?;
let (remaining, post_blank) =
maybe_consume_object_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting(context, remaining)?;
let source = get_consumed(input, remaining);
RadioTarget {
source: source.into(),
value: raw_value.into(),
feature = "tracing",
tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(_context))
fn radio_target_end<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
_context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
alt((tag("<"), tag(">"), line_ending))(input)
pub(crate) trait RematchObject<'x> {
fn rematch_object<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>(
&'x self,
context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>,
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Object<'s>>;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::context::GlobalSettings;
use crate::parser::element_parser::element;
use crate::types::Bold;
use crate::types::Element;
use crate::types::PlainText;
use crate::types::StandardProperties;
fn plain_text_radio_target() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let input = OrgSource::new("foo bar baz");
let radio_target_match = vec![Object::PlainText(PlainText { source: "bar" })];
let global_settings = GlobalSettings {
radio_targets: vec![&radio_target_match],
let initial_context = ContextElement::document_context();
let initial_context = Context::new(&global_settings, List::new(&initial_context));
let (remaining, first_paragraph) =
element(true)(&initial_context, input).expect("Parse first paragraph");
let first_paragraph = match first_paragraph {
Element::Paragraph(paragraph) => paragraph,
_ => panic!("Should be a paragraph!"),
assert_eq!(Into::<&str>::into(remaining), "");
assert_eq!(first_paragraph.get_source(), "foo bar baz");
assert_eq!(first_paragraph.children.len(), 3);
match first_paragraph
.expect("Len already asserted to be 3.")
Object::RadioLink(inner) => {
assert_eq!(inner.get_source(), "bar ");
assert_eq!(inner.path, "bar");
assert_eq!(inner.children.len(), 1);
let child = inner
.expect("Length already asserted to be 1.");
assert!(matches!(child, Object::PlainText(_)));
assert_eq!(child.get_source(), "bar");
_ => {
return Err("Child should be a radio link.".into());
fn bold_radio_target() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let input = OrgSource::new("foo *bar* baz");
let radio_target_match = vec![Object::Bold(Bold {
source: "*bar*",
contents: "bar",
post_blank: Some(" "),
children: vec![Object::PlainText(PlainText { source: "bar" })],
let global_settings = GlobalSettings {
radio_targets: vec![&radio_target_match],
let initial_context = ContextElement::document_context();
let initial_context = Context::new(&global_settings, List::new(&initial_context));
let (remaining, first_paragraph) =
element(true)(&initial_context, input).expect("Parse first paragraph");
let first_paragraph = match first_paragraph {
Element::Paragraph(paragraph) => paragraph,
_ => panic!("Should be a paragraph!"),
assert_eq!(Into::<&str>::into(remaining), "");
assert_eq!(first_paragraph.get_source(), "foo *bar* baz");
assert_eq!(first_paragraph.children.len(), 3);
match first_paragraph
.expect("Len already asserted to be 3.")
Object::RadioLink(inner) => {
assert_eq!(inner.get_source(), "*bar* ");
assert_eq!(inner.path, "*bar* ");
assert_eq!(inner.children.len(), 1);
let child = inner
.expect("Length already asserted to be 1.");
assert!(matches!(child, Object::Bold(_)));
assert_eq!(child.get_source(), "*bar* ");
_ => {
return Err("Child should be a radio link.".into());