Tom Alexander 799b444eee
semver Build semver has succeeded Details
cargo-fmt Build cargo-fmt has succeeded Details
build-organic-test Build build-organic-test has succeeded Details
organic-test Build organic-test has failed Details
build-cargo-fmt Build build-cargo-fmt has succeeded Details
Test was successful but I don't know what I would do with it.
My initial thought was using it to force cargo fmt and cargo test to run on the versions of the containers that are built in this commit but to do that, I'd need to figure out a way to trigger those pipelines after the pipeline to build the docker images, or join these all into one pipeline so I can create the dependencies in the steps.
2023-07-13 00:42:18 -04:00
triggers.yaml Test was successful but I don't know what I would do with it. 2023-07-13 00:42:18 -04:00