We were running into issues where the documents grew too large for being passed as a string to emacs, and we need to handle #+setupfile so we need to start handling org-mode documents as files and not just as anonymous streams of text. The anonymous stream of text handling will remain because the automated tests use it.
93 lines
2.8 KiB
93 lines
2.8 KiB
#[cfg(feature = "compare")]
use std::env;
#[cfg(feature = "compare")]
use std::fs::File;
#[cfg(feature = "compare")]
use std::io::Write;
#[cfg(feature = "compare")]
use std::path::Path;
#[cfg(feature = "compare")]
use walkdir::WalkDir;
#[cfg(feature = "compare")]
fn main() {
let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let destination = Path::new(&out_dir).join("tests.rs");
let mut test_file = File::create(&destination).unwrap();
write_header(&mut test_file);
let test_files = WalkDir::new("org_mode_samples")
.filter(|e| match e {
Ok(dir_entry) => {
&& Path::new(dir_entry.file_name())
.map(|ext| ext.to_ascii_lowercase() == "org")
Err(_) => true,
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
for test in test_files {
write_test(&mut test_file, &test);
#[cfg(not(feature = "compare"))]
fn main() {}
#[cfg(feature = "compare")]
fn write_test(test_file: &mut File, test: &walkdir::DirEntry) {
let test_name = test
.expect("Paths should be under org_mode_samples/")
.expect("Should have .org extension")
.replace("/", "_");
let test_name = format!("autogen_{}", test_name);
if let Some(_reason) = is_expect_fail(test_name.as_str()) {
write!(test_file, "#[ignore]\n").unwrap();
name = test_name,
path = test.path().display()
#[cfg(feature = "compare")]
fn write_header(test_file: &mut File) {
use organic::compare_document;
use organic::parser::document;
use organic::emacs_parse_anonymous_org_document;
use organic::parser::sexp::sexp_with_padding;
#[cfg(feature = "compare")]
fn is_expect_fail(name: &str) -> Option<&str> {
match name {
"autogen_greater_element_drawer_drawer_with_headline_inside" => Some("Apparently lines with :end: become their own paragraph. This odd behavior needs to be investigated more."),
"autogen_element_container_priority_footnote_definition_dynamic_block" => Some("Apparently broken begin lines become their own paragraph."),
"autogen_lesser_element_paragraphs_paragraph_with_backslash_line_breaks" => Some("The text we're getting out of the parse tree is already processed to remove line breaks, so our comparison needs to take that into account."),
_ => None,