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30 lines
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- include_role:
name: per_user
# - name: Create directories
# file:
# name: "{{ account_homedir.stdout }}/{{ item }}"
# state: directory
# mode: 0700
# owner: "{{ account_name.stdout }}"
# group: "{{ group_name.stdout }}"
# loop:
# - ".config/foo"
# - name: Copy files
# copy:
# src: "files/{{ item.src }}"
# dest: "{{ account_homedir.stdout }}/{{ item.dest }}"
# mode: 0600
# owner: "{{ account_name.stdout }}"
# group: "{{ group_name.stdout }}"
# loop:
# - src: foo.conf
# dest: .config/foo/foo.conf
- import_tasks: tasks/peruser_freebsd.yaml
when: 'os_flavor == "freebsd"'
- import_tasks: tasks/peruser_linux.yaml
when: 'os_flavor == "linux"'