2022-10-20 00:03:56 -04:00

78 lines
2.1 KiB

(require 'common-lsp)
(require 'util-tree-sitter)
(defun python-backspace (arg)
"Special handling of python backspace."
(interactive "*p")
(if mark-active
(backward-delete-char-untabify arg)
(python-indent-dedent-line-backspace arg)
(defun locate-venv-poetry ()
"Find a poetry venv."
(run-command-in-directory nil "poetry" "env" "info" "-p")
(defun locate-pyproject-directory ()
"Adapt lsp-python-ms for poetry."
(let ((pypoetry-file (locate-dominating-file (buffer-file-name) "pyproject.toml")))
(defun python-fmt ()
"format python."
(defun python-fmt-black ()
"Run black."
(run-command-on-buffer "black" "--quiet" "--fast" "-")
(defun python-fmt-isort ()
"Run isort."
(run-command-on-buffer "isort" "-")
(defun add-poetry-venv-to-path ()
"Add the bin folder in the poetry venv to exec-path."
(let (
(venv-path (locate-venv-poetry))
(when venv-path
(make-local-variable 'exec-path)
(add-to-list 'exec-path (concat venv-path "/bin"))
(use-package python
:mode ("\\.py\\'" . python-mode)
:commands python-mode
:pin manual
:hook (
(python-mode . (lambda ()
(when (executable-find "poetry")
(let ((venv (locate-venv-poetry))) (when venv
(setq eglot-workspace-configuration
(list (cons ':python (list ':venvPath venv ':pythonPath (concat venv "/bin/python")))))
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'python-fmt nil 'local)
(tree-sitter-hl-mode +1)
:bind ((:map python-mode-map ([backspace] . python-backspace))
(provide 'lang-python)