
30 lines
1.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::bytes::complete::tag_no_case;
use nom::character::complete::anychar;
use nom::combinator::map;
use nom::multi::many0;
use nom::multi::many_till;
use super::keyword::filtered_keyword;
use super::OrgSource;
use crate::error::Res;
use crate::types::Keyword;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn scan_for_in_buffer_settings<'s>(
input: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, Vec<Keyword<'s>>> {
// TODO: Optimization idea: since this is slicing the OrgSource at each character, it might be more efficient to do a parser that uses a search function like take_until, and wrap it in a function similar to consumed but returning the input along with the normal output, then pass all of that into a verify that confirms we were at the start of a line using the input we just returned.
let keywords = many0(map(
many_till(anychar, filtered_keyword(in_buffer_settings_key)),
|(_, kw)| kw,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
fn in_buffer_settings_key<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>> {
alt((tag_no_case("todo"), tag_no_case("setupfile")))(input)