Started switching over to a stack-based context tree with global settings.

This change should hopefully allow for matchers to have captured borrowed values, it should eliminate the use of heap-allocated reference counting on the context nodes, and it adds in a global settings struct for passing around values that do not change during parsing.
This commit is contained in:
Tom Alexander 2023-09-02 18:19:52 -04:00
parent acf1205e75
commit 66d10a7a1b
Signed by: talexander
GPG Key ID: D3A179C9A53C0EDE
3 changed files with 171 additions and 256 deletions

View File

@ -1,183 +1,66 @@
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::rc::Rc;
pub struct List<T> {
head: Option<Rc<Node<T>>>,
impl<T> Clone for List<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
List {
head: self.head.clone(),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Node<T> {
pub struct List<'parent, T> {
data: T,
parent: Option<Rc<Node<T>>>,
parent: Link<'parent, T>,
type Link<'parent, T> = Option<&'parent List<'parent, T>>;
impl<'parent, T> List<'parent, T> {
pub fn new(first_item: T) -> Self {
Self {
data: first_item,
parent: None,
impl<T> Node<T> {
pub fn get_data(&self) -> &T {
pub fn get_parent(&'parent self) -> Link<'parent, T> {
impl<T> List<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
List { head: None }
pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T> {
Iter { next: Some(self) }
pub fn branch_from(trunk: &Rc<Node<T>>) -> Self {
pub trait ListType<'parent, T> {
fn push(&'parent self, item: T) -> List<'parent, T>;
impl<'parent, T> ListType<'parent, T> for List<'parent, T> {
fn push(&'parent self, item: T) -> Self {
Self {
data: item,
parent: Some(self),
impl<'parent, T> ListType<'parent, T> for Link<'parent, T> {
fn push(&'parent self, item: T) -> List<'parent, T> {
List {
head: Some(trunk.clone()),
pub fn push_front(&self, data: T) -> List<T> {
List {
head: Some(Rc::new(Node {
data: data,
parent: self.head.clone(),
pub fn pop_front(&mut self) -> (Option<T>, List<T>) {
match self.head.take() {
None => (None, List::new()),
Some(popped_node) => {
let extracted_node = match Rc::try_unwrap(popped_node) {
Ok(node) => node,
Err(_) => panic!("try_unwrap failed on Rc in pop_front on List."),
List {
head: extracted_node.parent,
data: item,
parent: *self,
pub fn without_front(&self) -> List<T> {
List {
head: self.head.as_ref().map(|node| node.parent.clone()).flatten(),
pub struct Iter<'a, T> {
next: Link<'a, T>,
pub fn get_data(&self) -> Option<&T> {
self.head.as_ref().map(|rc_node| &
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn ptr_eq(&self, other: &List<T>) -> bool {
match (self.head.as_ref(), other.head.as_ref()) {
(None, None) => true,
(None, Some(_)) | (Some(_), None) => false,
(Some(me), Some(them)) => Rc::ptr_eq(me, them),
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Rc<Node<T>>> {
NodeIter {
position: &self.head,
pub fn iter_until<'a>(&'a self, other: &'a List<T>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Rc<Node<T>>> {
NodeIterUntil {
position: &self.head,
stop: &other.head,
pub fn into_iter_until<'a>(self, other: &'a List<T>) -> impl Iterator<Item = T> + 'a {
NodeIntoIterUntil {
position: self,
stop: &other,
pub struct NodeIter<'a, T> {
position: &'a Option<Rc<Node<T>>>,
impl<'a, T> Iterator for NodeIter<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a Rc<Node<T>>;
impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let (return_value, next_position) = match &self.position {
None => return None,
Some(rc_node) => {
let next_position = &rc_node.parent;
let return_value = rc_node;
(return_value, next_position)
self.position = next_position;
pub struct NodeIterUntil<'a, T> {
position: &'a Option<Rc<Node<T>>>,
stop: &'a Option<Rc<Node<T>>>,
impl<'a, T> Iterator for NodeIterUntil<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a Rc<Node<T>>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match (self.position, self.stop) {
(_, None) => {}
(None, _) => {}
(Some(this_rc), Some(stop_rc)) => {
if Rc::ptr_eq(this_rc, stop_rc) {
return None;
let (return_value, next_position) = match &self.position {
None => return None,
Some(rc_node) => {
let next_position = &rc_node.parent;
let return_value = rc_node;
(return_value, next_position)
self.position = next_position;
pub struct NodeIntoIterUntil<'a, T> {
position: List<T>,
stop: &'a List<T>,
impl<'a, T> Iterator for NodeIntoIterUntil<'a, T> {
type Item = T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.position.ptr_eq(self.stop) {
return None;
let (popped_element, new_position) = self.position.pop_front();
self.position = new_position;
let ret =|link| link.get_data()); =|link| link.get_parent()).flatten();

View File

@ -110,4 +110,14 @@ pub use object::Timestamp;
pub use object::Underline;
pub use object::Verbatim;
pub use source::Source;
type Context<'r, 's> = &'r parser_context::ContextTree<'r, 's>;
use self::org_source::OrgSource;
use self::parser_context::Context;
use crate::error::Res;
type RefContext<'r, 's> = &'r Context<'r, 's>;
trait ContextMatcher =
for<'r, 's> Fn(RefContext<'r, 's>, OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>>;
type DynContextMatcher<'c> = dyn ContextMatcher + 'c;
trait Matcher = for<'s> Fn(OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>>;
type DynMatcher<'c> = dyn Matcher + 'c;

View File

@ -1,110 +1,96 @@
use std::rc::Rc;
use nom::combinator::eof;
use nom::IResult;
use super::list::List;
use super::list::Node;
use super::org_source::OrgSource;
use super::Context;
use super::DynContextMatcher;
use super::Object;
use crate::error::CustomError;
use crate::error::MyError;
use crate::error::Res;
use crate::parser::exiting::ExitClass;
use crate::parser::list::ListType;
type Matcher =
dyn for<'r, 's> Fn(Context<'r, 's>, OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>>;
// type Matcher =
// dyn for<'r, 's> Fn(Context<'r, 's>, OrgSource<'s>) -> Res<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ContextTree<'r, 's> {
tree: List<ContextElement<'r, 's>>,
// #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
// pub struct ContextTree<'r, 's> {
// tree: List<ContextElement<'r, 's>>,
// }
impl<'r, 's> ContextTree<'r, 's> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
ContextTree { tree: List::new() }
// impl<'r, 's> ContextTree<'r, 's> {
// pub fn new() -> Self {
// ContextTree { tree: List::new() }
// }
pub fn branch_from(trunk: &Rc<Node<ContextElement<'r, 's>>>) -> Self {
ContextTree {
tree: List::branch_from(trunk),
// pub fn branch_from(trunk: &Rc<Node<ContextElement<'r, 's>>>) -> Self {
// ContextTree {
// tree: List::branch_from(trunk),
// }
// }
pub fn ptr_eq<'x, 'y>(&self, other: &ContextTree<'x, 'y>) -> bool {
// #[allow(dead_code)]
// pub fn ptr_eq<'x, 'y>(&self, other: &ContextTree<'x, 'y>) -> bool {
// self.tree.ptr_eq(&other.tree)
// }
pub fn with_additional_node(&self, data: ContextElement<'r, 's>) -> ContextTree<'r, 's> {
let new_list = self.tree.push_front(data);
ContextTree { tree: new_list }
// pub fn with_additional_node(&self, data: ContextElement<'r, 's>) -> ContextTree<'r, 's> {
// let new_list = self.tree.push_front(data);
// ContextTree { tree: new_list }
// }
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Rc<Node<ContextElement<'r, 's>>>> {
// pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Rc<Node<ContextElement<'r, 's>>>> {
// self.tree.iter()
// }
#[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
pub fn check_exit_matcher(
&'r self,
i: OrgSource<'s>,
) -> IResult<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>, CustomError<OrgSource<'s>>> {
// Special check for EOF. We don't just make this a document-level exit matcher since the IgnoreParent ChainBehavior could cause early exit matchers to not run.
let at_end_of_file = eof(i);
if at_end_of_file.is_ok() {
return at_end_of_file;
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))]
// pub fn check_exit_matcher(
// &'r self,
// i: OrgSource<'s>,
// ) -> IResult<OrgSource<'s>, OrgSource<'s>, CustomError<OrgSource<'s>>> {
// // Special check for EOF. We don't just make this a document-level exit matcher since the IgnoreParent ChainBehavior could cause early exit matchers to not run.
// let at_end_of_file = eof(i);
// if at_end_of_file.is_ok() {
// return at_end_of_file;
// }
// let blocked_context =
// self.with_additional_node(ContextElement::ExitMatcherNode(ExitMatcherNode {
// exit_matcher: ChainBehavior::IgnoreParent(Some(&always_fail)),
// }));
// let mut current_class_filter = ExitClass::Gamma;
// for current_node in self.iter() {
// let context_element = current_node.get_data();
// match context_element {
// ContextElement::ExitMatcherNode(exit_matcher) => {
// if exit_matcher.class as u32 <= current_class_filter as u32 {
// current_class_filter = exit_matcher.class;
// let local_context = ContextTree::branch_from(current_node);
// let local_result = (exit_matcher.exit_matcher)(&local_context, i);
// if local_result.is_ok() {
// return local_result;
// }
// }
// }
// _ => {}
// };
// }
// // TODO: Make this a specific error instead of just a generic MyError
// return Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::MyError(MyError(
// "NoExit".into(),
// ))));
// }
let mut current_class_filter = ExitClass::Gamma;
for current_node in self.iter() {
let context_element = current_node.get_data();
match context_element {
ContextElement::ExitMatcherNode(exit_matcher) => {
if exit_matcher.class as u32 <= current_class_filter as u32 {
current_class_filter = exit_matcher.class;
let local_context = ContextTree::branch_from(current_node);
let local_result = (exit_matcher.exit_matcher)(&local_context, i);
if local_result.is_ok() {
return local_result;
_ => {}
// TODO: Make this a specific error instead of just a generic MyError
return Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::MyError(MyError(
// /// Indicates if elements should consume the whitespace after them.
// ///
// /// Defaults to true.
// pub fn should_consume_trailing_whitespace(&self) -> bool {
// self._should_consume_trailing_whitespace().unwrap_or(true)
// }
/// Indicates if elements should consume the whitespace after them.
/// Defaults to true.
pub fn should_consume_trailing_whitespace(&self) -> bool {
fn _should_consume_trailing_whitespace(&self) -> Option<bool> {
for current_node in self.iter() {
let context_element = current_node.get_data();
match context_element {
ContextElement::ConsumeTrailingWhitespace(should) => {
return Some(*should);
_ => {}
// fn _should_consume_trailing_whitespace(&self) -> Option<bool> {
// for current_node in self.iter() {
// let context_element = current_node.get_data();
// match context_element {
// ContextElement::ConsumeTrailingWhitespace(should) => {
// return Some(*should);
// }
// _ => {}
// }
// }
// None
// }
// }
pub enum ContextElement<'r, 's> {
@ -126,7 +112,8 @@ pub enum ContextElement<'r, 's> {
pub struct ExitMatcherNode<'r> {
pub exit_matcher: &'r Matcher,
// TODO: Should this be "&'r DynContextMatcher<'c>" ?
pub exit_matcher: &'r DynContextMatcher<'r>,
pub class: ExitClass,
@ -137,3 +124,38 @@ impl<'r> std::fmt::Debug for ExitMatcherNode<'r> {
pub struct GlobalSettings<'s> {
placeholder: Option<&'s str>,
impl<'s> GlobalSettings<'s> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
GlobalSettings { placeholder: None }
pub struct Context<'r, 's> {
global_settings: &'s GlobalSettings<'s>,
tree: List<'r, ContextElement<'r, 's>>,
impl<'r, 's> Context<'r, 's> {
pub fn new(
global_settings: &'s GlobalSettings<'s>,
tree: List<'r, ContextElement<'r, 's>>,
) -> Self {
Context {
pub fn push(&self, data: ContextElement<'r, 's>) -> Self {
let new_tree = self.tree.push(data);
Self {
global_settings: self.global_settings,
tree: new_tree,