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Parse start per character
It might help analysis to record how often we start a specific type of parse for each character. For example, at the start of a plain list, if we had a count of how often each character was the start of a parse of a list we could use that to see how often that list is getting re-parsed.
Edit whitespace for list items
Whether or not a list item owns the trailing whitespace depends on if it is the last list item in that list. Since we do not know ahead of time if an item is the last item in the list, we have to either re-parse the list item or modify it after parsing.
Make detect element function
Some exit matchers are based on when the next element is found. Some elements do not need to be fully parsed to identify that they are a valid element. For example,
1. foo
Grab multiple characters in plaintext parser before checking exit matcher
Currently we check the exit matcher after each character inside the plain text parser (and many others). Are there character sequences we can assume no exit matcher will trigger between? For example, a contiguous string of latin-alphabet letters?
I think targets would break this.
The exit matchers are already implicitly building this behavior since they should all exit very early when the starting character is wrong. Putting this logic in a centralized place, far away from where those characters are actually going to be used, is unfortunate for readability.